March Trip Reports -- Part 5: The Men in Black Shoot-Off


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
March 10, 2001

The cast:
Me (the 29 year old)
Donna (aka Molokai Gram, didn't ask age, from Hawaii)
Ohai (Donna's DH, didn't ask age either, from Hawaii)

We had about 45 minutes before the noon Universal meet and the Men in Black shoot-off. Donna and Ohai needed practice before competing. They had rode yesterday and barely made it to 100,000 points.

We entered Universal Studios through the Hard Rock Café entrance/exit. The employee at the gates was reading a Romance novel. That must be an easy job. You can just sit around and read all day! I bet she gets busy during lunch!

We used front of the line access here. The Universal Express line still had you enter through the elevator, but Express and front of the line passholders got to enter first. Then people in the regular queue were let in. Past the break room aliens, the line broke off to the regular queue and Universal Express. The Universal Express queue went through the old single riders line. There was still a single riders line (the sign was posted outside), but I couldn’t figure out where it went. Then we rode. Donna and Ohai almost made it to 100,000. I scored 320,000.

It was getting close to noon and we did not have enough time to go through the Universal Express line. I thought the single rider line would be faster, so we did that. The single rider line was the same entrance, but it extended down the hallway and exited through a door right before the loading area. We were some of the few people in the single rider line, so we walked right on. Ohai and Donna were in the same car on the blue track. Ohai sat in back and Donna in front. I was directed to the red track. Both our cars left at the same time, so we were able to truly compete and nail each other. Donna and Ohai did not nail me very often, but I got them many times. I laughed an evil laugh after I made their car spin. Donna and Ohai still did not score about 100,000. I scored 560,000. I was tempted to buy the photo, but it did not beat my personal best of 578,000.

It was very close to noon, so we hung out in front of Men in Black and waited for people. We waited for 15 minutes and no one showed up. I was getting a little disappointed since I’ve already had several meet times and no one else showed up. I also had no competition in the Men in Black shoot-off. Competiting against Donna and Ohai was like me playing basketball with kids. There would be no fun in that. I decided to have Donna and Ohai compete. The highest scorer gets the prize. The lowest scorer gets the booby prize.

We used front of the line again and did the great Men in Black shoot-off. I even gave them some of my secrets. Donna scored around 136,000. Ohai did not make it past 80,000. I scored 420,000. Donna had won the shoot-off! The winner’s prize was a tape of the Men in Black movie. The loser’s prize was a can of pork brains in milk gravy. Donna said that Ohai would probably eat it. I hope not, because the cholesterol on that stuff was 1110% of the daily allowance! What got me was that there was a recipe for pork brains and scrambled eggs on the can. Let’s get heart disease quicker, why don’t we? What made the pork brains special was that it was in milk gravy. You don’t see that everyday!

Next up was a ride on Jaws. Donna missed this ride last time because it was down during her visit. Our skipper was Dave, who didn’t act very well. The highlight of the ride was the duck. A duck was just sitting there in the water. Then Jaws popped out of the water and scared the duck away! I bet the duck went back to the Peabody.

Our next ride was E.T. Donna wanted to see this after the refurbishment. The wait was about 10 minutes. Most of the wait was to give our name for the card. We sat in the back row, but it was all one seat. It did not have the bars in between each seat like in the other rows. I can only assume this is for handicapped guests. They can take the seat out quickly to accommodate a wheelchair.

We then headed back to Islands of Adventure. Donna was ready to ride on the Hulk. I thought about getting some Tums for the bug candy.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Pork brains in milk gravy...yum! Never can find that aisle, fortunately.
Call me clueless, but I didn't realize there is seperate entry/exit to Hard Rock Cafe. Is that by Nick Studios?
Good reporting Barry!!
Yes, the Hard Rock Cafe entrance and exit is by Nick Studios.

Too bad you did not win the pork brains. :) I would look in Winn-Dixie by the Spam.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
I too did not realize that you could cut short and renter by the HRC. Barry really knows his way around the parks. :)

I am so glad that the prize was the MIB tape. I had seen it at the movies and once after on tape, but as usual I missed details. :( When I first saw the MIB ride at Universal I wondered why they had designed it as they had with those two tower things in front. Glad I didn't exhibit my ignorance with Barry. Now that I have reviewed the video weekly (DGS likes it alot, but not enough to watch it alone!) I realize what it is all about and appreciate how much effort Universal put into creating the ride. Goes to show you, see the videos first if you can. ;)

I WON!!! This was one time I am glad no one showed up, because as you can tell from my scores (isn't Barry a sweetheart to post them?) I would not have won if there had been anybody else. I was really trying too. When you see the picture, you will see how intense I was. LOL

The booby prize was really and truly Pork Brains in milk gravy. Who eats this and how is it prepared? I have never heard of this before. Have you? Is it a southern delicacy?????? Hawaii is the number one consumer of SPAM, but I have never seen pork brains on the shelf!!! Again Barry has made his mark in our family. Now when anyone of us does something stupid or silly, we tell them they win the pork brains. Even my 3 year old DGD knows what winning the pork brains means. ;)

I love Jaws and ET looked alot better to me since the refubishment. First time I sat on the bench seat. ET only said goodby to me! (Why didn't Barry mention that? ;) ) This ride is special to us too. When we took our DGS on it in '99, the 3 year old came off with a look of wonder on his face and started running around telling everyone "ET said goodby to me. ET knows my name" He was so impressed and happy he got tears in his eyes! Which of course choked up this grandma. So we had to ride it again, if only for our Joshua. :)

So MG, did you ever eat the pork brains? I wonder how they taste. :)


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
The Pork Brains are a family icon and for that reason, and that reason only, we will never eat them. ;) They have a place of honor in our family room!


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