Marathon Weekend 2025

Asking for some advice. My son turns 18 on January 7th. I have read and reread and am sure that the policy is that you must be 18 on race day to qualify (challenges and marathon). However when registering I got an error and in the moment decided to just subtract a year because it must be checking as of today (or Tuesday really). I see three options: 1. Email rD now, 2. Wait until the expo and go to the desk, or 3. Ignore it. I'm worried if I email now I could encounter an issue and they cancel even though they policy seems clear to me. What would you do?

Here is the relevant part of the policy (
Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 2.20.09 PM.png
Asking for some advice. My son turns 18 on January 7th. I have read and reread and am sure that the policy is that you must be 18 on race day to qualify (challenges and marathon). However when registering I got an error and in the moment decided to just subtract a year because it must be checking as of today (or Tuesday really). I see three options: 1. Email rD now, 2. Wait until the expo and go to the desk, or 3. Ignore it. I'm worried if I email now I could encounter an issue and they cancel even though they policy seems clear to me. What would you do?

Here is the relevant part of the policy (
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No experience here but personally I’d wait until the expo because at that point at least you can speak to a real human - and you avoid the risk that someone cancels his registration.

Maybe someone else has actual experience?
No experience here but personally I’d wait until the expo because at that point at least you can speak to a real human - and you avoid the risk that someone cancels his registration.

Maybe someone else has actual experience?
I was leaning towards option #2 as well. I would just go to the runner relations booth at the expo and ask if they can fix his birthdate. I would even pretend that you didn't notice the error until you got the expo pass or something like that. I would not give runDisney a single reason to cancel a registration over some technicality and by the time you see them at the expo, he will be 18 and it is a moot point.
Asking for some advice. My son turns 18 on January 7th. I have read and reread and am sure that the policy is that you must be 18 on race day to qualify (challenges and marathon). However when registering I got an error and in the moment decided to just subtract a year because it must be checking as of today (or Tuesday really). I see three options: 1. Email rD now, 2. Wait until the expo and go to the desk, or 3. Ignore it. I'm worried if I email now I could encounter an issue and they cancel even though they policy seems clear to me. What would you do?

Here is the relevant part of the policy (
View attachment 850658
we were having a similar issue with hotel booking b/c DS15 will be 16 by then, but then I tried to use his profile on the hotel reservation and they spit an age mismatch error. it's like their systems can't accurately calculate an age on a certain future date.
we were having a similar issue with hotel booking b/c DS15 will be 16 by then, but then I tried to use his profile on the hotel reservation and they spit an age mismatch error. it's like their systems can't accurately calculate an age on a certain future date.
I've run into that scenario when booking a hotel as well, and it's hilarious and insane. They literally say "enter age at time of stay" and then throw a hissy-fit if the age you enter doesn't match their current age in MDE. Absolute clown show.
I've run into that scenario when booking a hotel as well, and it's hilarious and insane. They literally say "enter age at time of stay" and then throw a hissy-fit if the age you enter doesn't match their current age in MDE. Absolute clown show.
Just got this too as I tried to make a hotel reservation.
Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 2.31.54 PM.png
I've run into that scenario when booking a hotel as well, and it's hilarious and insane. They literally say "enter age at time of stay" and then throw a hissy-fit if the age you enter doesn't match their current age in MDE. Absolute clown show.

Just got this too as I tried to make a hotel reservation.
So weird that y’all had this happen. I booked my reservation and both my kids will be a year older and I had no problem.
Good morning RunDisney All-Stars! Registration week is in the books now and I hope everyone was able to get registered for the races they wanted. If not, stalk those monitoring sites and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Now that we're registered, let's talk training in Sundays Are For Disney (SAFD). What type of training plan do you follow and when will you start? Is there anything notable that leads you to your particular plan? We've got a lot of newer folks and some may be training plan shopping.

SAFD: I never really stop training, so it's hard to put a finger on a starting point. I've got the New River Marathon next month, then will start focusing on a 24 hour race in October shortly after that. Once I'm past that race, I'll have Wine & Dine and then look to bridge over to Dopey at Marathon Weekend.

As far as training plans go, I tend to recycle and modify @DopeyBadger plans for just about everything. What I love about those plans is they they're capped at 14-16 mile long runs depending on the pacing I'm using. I really like being able to run longer/more often during the week so that I don't have to deal with the 20+ mile mega long runs. They really work well for me.
SAFD: I am almost at the end of the 10-miler plan I started in January. Two weeks to go!

After that I'm going to take some time off during the summer, try to keep up my stamina with a 5-6 mile run each week plus maintenance runs of 3-4. My big focus this summer is going to be strength training. I have got to get better at that. If I have a choice this summer between skipping a maintenance run and skipping strength, I'm going to skip the maintenance run.

Then, the half marathon training will start September! I plan to slowly add miles every week and try not to get hurt LOL
SAFD: I’ve used Hal Higdon plans in the past, and I did ok. I’m trying something new to train for my August 17th 10 miler and using the Runna app, and if it goes well, I’ll use that to build a plan for Dopey.

The number one thing I want from a training plan is that it be mileage-based, not time-based. I’m not great at pacing, or math, and if my plan doesn’t tell me how many miles a run should be, I can’t figure out where to run around my neighborhood, and it irritates me if I get back to my house, but have to keep going another quarter mile past it to finish the run because I did the math or the pace wrong.
I am finishing up a training plan for Spring Surprise right now. It was mostly just a modified Galloway plan. I am planning two marathons this summer so I will likely step right into the training plan my PT gave me last year for Dopey. Most likely I will use this again in the fall as I work towards a late fall marathon and Dopey. My plans, which are run-walk-run based follow a pattern of easy mid-distance, “speed” work, easy mid-distance, temp work short distance, easy long run.

Very interested to hear what others are planning; always looking for a new direction!
SAFD: Yay, training talk! In the past I have used plans from Matt Fitzgerald, Hal Higdon, and @DopeyBadger, but now, because I'm a total nerd and got way too into this, I make my own plans 😅

Like @camaker, I train year-round (my idea of a break is running 4 or 5 days a week instead of 6 😂). Right now I'm doing 5K training, but I'm already mulling different ideas for my next training cycle for the Marine Corps Marathon in October. The length depends on what I'm training for: I like a 16-week plan for marathon training, since I'm already starting from a base of 30-40 mpw. My 5K plan is 12 weeks, with 3 parkruns scattered throughout.

One of the benefits of writing my own plans is that I can incorporate strength and mobility so that it all fits together. In particular, I think adding more dedicated core work to my strength schedule has made a big difference!
I'm going to switch from a McMillan training plan to a DopeyBadger plan for my June 2nd HM. Then I'll stay in maintenance mode over the summer. I'll start training for the 2025 Marathon sometime early september, by either reusing a McMillan plan I can apply in FinalSurge, or asking Billy for another training plan. As @camaker wrote, the training plans that DopeyBadger make for us are really reasonable in terms of training load and weekly balance.

I have to admit I have really appreciated using FinalSurge in the last 1 1/2 years. I can adjust the pacing based on my expected race goal and current fitness, and it uploads all the workouts directly to Garmin. So less work for me haha. And once I purchase a training plan, I can reuse it as many times as I want.
SAFD: I’ve used the Higdon Dopey plan for the last couple MW, and this year since I’m doing the Goofy, I’m going between the intermediate and advanced plans.

I usually run 4 days a week normally, and I begin marathon training the first week of September. During the summer I start increasing my mileage to prepare for training, which I would advise anyone doing their first marathon to do. Whatever plan you choose, look at the mileage you’re running that first week, and compare it to whatever you are running now. General rule of thumb is not to increase your mileage by more than 10% per week. The quickest way to injure yourself is by dramatically increasing your training volume.

There’s no one magic plan that works everyone. Just because someone says you need to run 100+ miles a week to reach a certain result doesn’t mean it’s true. Look at Parker Valby, who maxes out at 30 miles a week, and set the NCAA record in the 5k at 14:52. (She also cross trains like a beast.)


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