Mamma Della's or Trattoria Del Porto?


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Mar 18, 2000
Need more information about these two restaurants to make a decision. There are 4 of us going, 2 adults and 2 teen daughters. We are looking for a good quality Italian restaurant. (DH is Italian) Last year, we ate at Palio's which was great but very expensive. How do these restaurants compare? How is the service and quality of the food? How expensive is the menu? Is there one that you would recommend over another and why?

Thanks for all your help!

but not too expensive. It is nothing spectacular but had a nice buffet. I would recommed for kids, but it sounds like yours might be old enough to try something nicer.
Trattoria is sort of the main restaurant for the hotel, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. It also handles room service.

Mamma Della's is more of an "event" restaurant, serving dinner only. You are greeted by "Mamma", who really looks the part of the Italian Mamma some of us weren't lucky enough to have. Many of the dishes are served family-style, as an option. There is also entertainment in the form of a strolling guitarist/singer. The atmosphere is more homey and intimate (Trattoria is one large airy room).

The food is also very good. Unless your kids HATE this sort of thing, I'd suggest Mamma Della's over the Trattoria. You can always do the Tratttoria for breakfast (GREAT buffet) or lunch.
Thanks for the replies! Mamma Della's sounds like a nice restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere, but how are the prices? :bounce:
Mama Della's is a wonderful restaurant. Entrees are generally $15-$22. The timarasu is incredible, it's $4.95. I was just there last nov. with dh.

When dh and I went with the kids (Nov. 99) the kids meals were a deal! So was the cookies and milk for dessert. Anything liquid seems to be really pricey though. DH's gin and tonics were $7.50, small carafe of (delicious) house wine was $14.00.

If it's warm when you go, make a reservation (recommended anyway) and ask for an outside table. Beautiful at night.


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