Mama Della's


Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2001
Any info on this restaurant? It got a great rating in Zagats so I have to believe it's worth checking out.
I've been there once and enjoyed it. Mama Della roams the resturant making sure that everything is just right. There was also a pair of strolling musicians. The setting is intimate, somewhat the the inside of an Italian villa. You sortof loose track of where you're at. The kitchen is open to the seating area. The food was good, but not all of the portions were the same. Ask when you order what the portion size would be.
Hi Patti-

My family and I have eaten at Mamma Della's several times and we love it. It is REAL Italian food. Not like any "chain" restaurant (i.e., The Macaroni Grille, The Olive Garden, etc.), it is very authentic. Being Italian myself, I was really impressed. The restaurant is set up to look like "Mamma's" House. All the rooms are decorated differently. Most evenings they have strolling musicians which ads to the ambiance It's
great! :) They want you to take your time. There is no rush. The salad, which has "Mamma's" secret dressing (delicious) is wonderful. I personally love the lasagna and steak! Make sure you make reservations and go with a big appetite! Enjoy!
Thanks for all the info. It's a definate now. My only question now is, should I make my reservation now or wait until I get there? Does it get really busy? We are going 2/16.
Thanks again,
Patti :)
I would say make your reservation now, just to be on the "safe" side! :) When we were there in June there were booked up! I sure wish we had called in advance! Have fun!
I have posted on this restaurant quite a few times. It has my vote too! We had an excellent authentic Italian meal here. I just wanted to recommend the mussels in white wine and garlic. The portion was quite large so keep that in mind. It was soooooo good. :D My husband also had the lasagna and stated it was the best he ever had! That of course got him a sneer from me...hee hee.
I enjoyed the atmosphere and the strolling musicans as well. The highlight was sitting and talking to Mama. She is a whip! I hope to eat here again next visit. Make a reservation if you are not staying at Portofino. Enjoy! :D

BTW, if you want to eat at Mamma Della's they are not open everyday so make sure they are open the day you want to go.


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