Main Street Electrical Parade Coming To DCA


<font color=009900>No one is immune to the TF's in
Aug 17, 1999
Just out today from David Koenig's column:
"After a five year absence, it looks like this summer the Main Street Electrical Parade is finally returning to Southern California -- just not to Main Street. To bolster attendance at Disneyland's fledgling sister park, the popular parade instead will run at Disney's California Adventure.

Disney is targeting a July 3 or July 4 return date. They hope to begin casting for the parade in less than two weeks. It will run nightly, for an undetermined period, along the Performance Corridor through DCA's Golden State and Paradise Pier areas.

To cut costs, DCA's current Eureka parade will be cut back to a single afternoon performance, and the Electrical Parade will make a single evening run. That way, as many as 70% of the cast and crew can be used in both parades."

It seems as if this parade is never going away, not that i mind one bit. I love the MSEP very much. But just how many "final-runs" can an attraction have before guests stop taking you seriously? For the full story click on the link below:
All of the local media outlet have run their story about the “return” of the Electrical Parade. And all of them used it to frame a bigger story about the failure of Disney’s California Adventure. The Los Angeles Times was particularly hard hitting, sighting internal attendance figures (not only is DCA way below attendance, but the entire resort complex is failing short of its targets) and interviews with people saying that the parade will NOT make them go to DCA. The full article ran Friday and should be at

Other rumblings from inside say that there will be a problem getting enough merchandise ready in time. This may mean that the parade remains titled the “Main Street Electrical Parade” so that unsold WDW items can be sold and to save time to create new stuff. Besides the floats that have been shipped overseas and the ones that are just plan broken, several other units may be dropped to save labor costs and to save on building a new storage facility at DCA. It seems like the “returned” parade will be slightly less than half the length of the parade the “glowed away forever” five years ago. Some of the slack may be taken up by walking characters carrying glow rods and/or wrapped in Christmas tree lights (now that’s cutting edge!). One joke e-mail flew around asking if anyone knew where the Light Magic stuff was buried and if they had a shovel.

The most disturbing thing I’ve heard is coming from the “cutting-edge” types who were against the parade’s return. The thought goes that if the Electrical Parade doesn’t bring in the masses, it just proves that old-style Disney entertainment is passé and people don’t want to see it. That no one wants “your father’s” attractions of the past, that old “sentimental” Disney tripe filled with cartoon charaters – they want something “hip”, “now” and “cutting edge”. In other words, a slow summer will be completely the Electrical Parades’ fault and it has nothing to do at all with the structural problem of the park itself. The state of denial continues.

One last rumor. The local CBS television station ran a story last week about the attendance problems at DCA. At the end of the story, they mentioned that they asked Disneyland for a comment. The replay, caught in camera the official Disneyland spokesman was “laced with profanity” and was “not suitable for a family audience”. Really nice for a spokesman for Disney, isn’t it. There is supposed to be a transcript of what happened floating around and I’m trying to find it. But Ray’s name and face have been noticeably absent from the Electrical Parade story.
While we are taking stuff from Disneyland how about DCA getting the Matterhorn? Lets take Dumbo from Fanatsyland and stick it right next to the how to make tortillas show. Wait I have a better idea lets take DCA and stick it in Disneyland that way it'll be as Disney as you can get! Farewell 20,000 leagues lagoon it'll fit snug right in there. Then Disney can charge 80 bucks for admission because your getting two parks in one! Watch out Pressler I'm on to you! I'll have your job by the end of the year!


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