Magic cruise on 11/30


DIS Veteran
Oct 5, 2002
Hello wife and I are going on the Eastern swing on the Magic on 11/30...did the same last year the Saturday after Thanksgiving.....looking forward to the dinners...shows....special treatment.....lounging on the deck.....meeting new people....Castaway Cay.....anyone out there going on the 11/30 cruise....let me know....would like to say hello now and on the ship.....for a Magical experience....and the great part of this is we will be spending 5 nights in Disney when we get back....the Very Merry Christmas party...the Candlelight Processional...Fantasmic....Illuminations...Spectromagic.....wish it was tomorrow!
Hi Tom and DW - there's lots of us DISers cruisin Nov 30th!!
DH (if he doesnt cancel), DS10.5 and I are on deck 5 in a secret porthole.
Been counting down since 48wks (11months) when we were first able to book using DVC points. It was New Years Eve and a great way to ring in the New Year.
We're now at 7.5 Wks!! Head to the airport on Thanksgiving

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Hi Tom,
We will be sailing with you! Myself, my husband and our 4yr old.
Got our fingers and toes crossed that he loves the kids club so we can have some adult fun! Laurie :D
Myself, my dh, dd, dsil, dgs, dgd and dgd's friend will all be on the Magic too. And can you believe it, I'm originally from St. Mark's Avenue in Bellmore. Small world, isn't it?

Hi Tom,
We are: me (36), DH (40), DD (5.5), DS (almost 4). Looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks.
Hey gang! We need to start a November 30th thread that we all visit from time to time, rather than having 5 different threads (I think that is how many I am counting now). What do you say? I know that Barb (imgoingtodisney) logs on every day. I usually do (last week was so busy at work) and I also skip weekends (at the cottage).
What do you say?
Yup - I live on these boards! Get DS10 and myself up at 6am, get his brkfst going and Im sitting here with my coffee until it's time to run out the door!! lol - Then as soon as I get to work Im back on again - DH & DS dont stand a chance of using the computer at night
First thing this morn I wrote down # tshirts, sox/undies, pants/shorts each of us will be needing - yup Im getting down to the nitty gritty details. lol

11/23-11/30 cruisers have started getting their docs!! We're next!! Maybe that will motivate DH to get his birth certificate
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
I can't believe it. I remember when everyone else was getting theirs months ago and I thought it was so far away for us.
Am I nuts to be crossing my fingers for an upgrade? haha
Hey 11/30 crusiers!!
We're SOOOOOOOOO excited!!!! DH and DS (15) and I talk about it constantly! Haven't heard about any other teens going though.... Sure there will be, but it would be nice to hear of some from the boards! I've been anxiously checking the mail for the past couple weeks even though I knew it was too early.... We'll be driving from north of Philly down 95... Sure hope they catch the lunatic in VA/MD well before then! (Today would be good!) I've got TODO lists, clothing lists, toiletries list, shopping lists, .... and when we leave I'll STILL think I forgot something!
Did you make up your budget list yet? Each time I go over mine I need to add another $100 - lol. Im determined to walk off the ship with a zero balance!
Hey, I did it when I cruised NCL last Dec (walked off Dec 7th- yes same disembarkation date) with a zero balance. But DH & DS werent with me.
well... not really! We are not big collectors and we don't really buy many things on a whim. We will probably buy the formal night photo, and we will drink lots of wine (hehe) and we will probably buy the kids a little something as a reminder of the trip. Other than that... we should be okay.
We go on a big vacation once per year, and we really don't think about how much anything costs. If we want it, we buy it! If we know that it is a "tacky tourist souvenier" we don't buy it.

Gotta agree with nedleycan... no budget list here either. We're pretty much the same, we don't buy a whole lot. We'll do the wine thing and probably get t-shirts, beach towels... DH usually has that stuff figured in early. Wish just once in a while he'd throw in a Sapphire Ring/Bracelet/Necklace.... REALLY ... I'm NOT fussy! :earsgirl:
Hey Guys,

We too are going on the Nov 30th cruise. I (Lori) will be celebrating my 40th birthday (ugh), my husband(John) and my 3 1/2 year old (closer to 4) son (Vincent).

It is nice to see that there will be two other little boys all around the same age on the cruise. Unfortunately, I was reading about the kids club and it says that they page you every time your child won't cooperate and the don't let them stay. I'm a little nervous about that, my son does go to school but "boys will be boys".

Maybe we can all meet somewhere on the ship

Hope to hear soon

Ok Lori,
Who put you up to this post???? LOL
I am Laurie amd my husband is Johnny and my 4yr old
(he turns 4 on the same day we set sail) his name is
Matthew. Are you bazzaro me or am I bazzaro you?
I haven't read much about the kids club(tolerance of staff)
I think if they are paging parents constantly there would be more chatter about it on these boards. Like you said boys will be boys!
I think it's important to get them friendly with other kids right away so they WANT to go see their new friends. Matthew goes to daycare so I hope that helps! My girlfriend's son and daughter didn't make it 30 min. w/out her. They have never been watched by anyone outside the family. Bet that put a kink in her plans!
I'm sure Matthew and Vincent will do just fine!.....yah so the adults can play!!!
What day are you guys flying down??
Hey Lori,
Where is Bloomfield? My sister lives in Basking Ridge. We were thinking of stopping for Thanksgiving dinner and then later that night fly into Orlando, but with the bags and stuff I think we are going to just go to MCO in the afternoon.(We have to connect thru Newark)L:)
Please dont tell me you have a connecting flight in Newark. In 1996 (when DS was 4) it was a nightmare for us.
I just sent you a PM
Yes we are....but I am familiar with Newark. It is very different than it was in 1996. If there is weather I will just hop on an earlier flight out of Boston. We have 2 days to get to FLA so I'm not concerned. I have insider information so that helps!!!LOL!!;)
thats good - are you flying back home Sat when we get off or Sun? We're flying back at 6pm Sat night - wont be home till after 10 but at least we'll have Sun to do laundry, food shop, sleep
We are heading home on Sat too pending any last minute changes from Johnny. If he has a great week before we go he will want to stay in FLA until Tues if the weather is good. I would like to go back Mon so I have a day to re-coup! I go back to work on Wed. We will play it by ear. We just might want to get home and sleep in our own beds!!!!:(
I will tell my son Cameron about your son too. He already knows about Matthew (Laurie's son). Cameron will be 4 on January 24th, 2003. Sounds like they may be very close in age.
I am more concerned that if my kids realize that all they have to do is ask for us to be paged, they will ask all the time. Apparently they are well behaved at school, so I'm not too concerned about being paged because they are misbehaving (although... boys will be boys... haha). My daughter is way to smart and will figure out how to get us back. hmmmmmm
Hey really don't realize how many people are Disney cruise lovers until you start reading these posts....and it is amazing how many people that live in the tri-state area that are going....we live in Bellmore and have a 8:15 a.m. flight out the morning of 11/30...hopefully it will not be as eventful as last years...we had a 6:10 a.m. flight out and ofcourse since 9/11 were at the airport at 4--two hours before the flight. We were on the jet and they were backing away from the jetway and hit it...damaged the plane and they made us all get off....told us probably would not get out until 12...panic city...but they brought a plane in from other side of airport...put us on it and we were ready to leave at 8...problem was they had an electrical problem with the back up battery system and we were delayed 2 1/2 hours into Orlando at 12:30...made it with time to spare but boy were we sweeting it out....good thing is on our flight back 12 days later they flew us back...wife...daughter and myself in first class....only way to fly....oh if I could just afford it...sorry this is so long talking about Disney and the cruise....looking forward to seeing all on the cruise....we should wear something to let each other know we are fellow DIS posters....what do ya think?
Tom:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :cool: :) :D


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