Lose 5 for April - TOTAL LOST - 167.4 LBS!!!!

Hi !
I did not want anyone to think i skipped out on ya....still have not gotten to WI, ( 3 weeks now) I should go friday ( have off of work= no excuses )
I am back to exercising and i eating the correct foods & correct portions ( i think) and i even started to food journal again :)
So lets hope for something by the end of the month.!

Sorry, I have been MIA lately due to an extremely hectic work schedule! However, I am still on track for losing weight and am 1.5/5 for April!
Hi everyone- I am new on the block!! I just started back exercising Easter morning and going to workout. I have improved my eating habits as well. A few minutes ago I was tempted to eat some chocolate cookies but I went back to my desk and ate my baby carrots, so maybe I do have willpower after all. I have weighed myself yet to see how much I have lost- it is probably still early in the game. But I would like to lose 5 pounds this month and the month is almost over.
Also I would like to add that I am exercising or walking at least 30 minutes a day here on out!!!!!!!!
Yeah!! I was successful with the challnge. I am down 11.

I just I hope I don't gain any back next week.
I have an update.the month is almost over but i finally went to a WW meeting.
Lost 4.4 lbs. so thats 4.4 /5 :)
Went to exercise this morning at Ladies Workout Express. I just started back dieting and exercising this past sunday. I have lost 6 pounds already!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hello everyone. Back home from a great trip to Hilton Head. Did a lot of walking, biking, going up and down the stairs instead of the elevator but I managed to still gain weight - I gained, from my April 1 number, 3 pounds. From where I was when I left I gained approximately 4.5 pounds. Not good but that's okay. I needed this time away from everything. I tried very hard to watch what I ate but I let the temptations hit me. Plus it was very hard to get water in every day which I know hurt me. Hopefully I'll be back down to my April 1 weight by the end of this week.

I'm heading to do an update. One more week in the month and I wish everyone luck who may need it!!!!!

Cruise04 said:
Hello everyone. Back home from a great trip to Hilton Head. Did a lot of walking, biking, going up and down the stairs instead of the elevator but I managed to still gain weight - I gained, from my April 1 number, 3 pounds. From where I was when I left I gained approximately 4.5 pounds. Not good but that's okay. I needed this time away from everything. I tried very hard to watch what I ate but I let the temptations hit me. Plus it was very hard to get water in every day which I know hurt me. Hopefully I'll be back down to my April 1 weight by the end of this week.

I'm heading to do an update. One more week in the month and I wish everyone luck who may need it!!!!!


Chris...I am glad you had a good time, and I bet drinking your water this week, you will have those pounds off in no time!!! :thumbsup2
Saddly, I haven't done so well trying to meet my challenge, so I'm starting Atkins induction this week (I know there is great debate over this diet plan, but it works for me). I have done induction before and I kept the weight off for over 2 years now, but I just need to lose a bit more, so I have my keto stick ready and I am hopeful. WOW, and congratulations to all those of you who have met or surpassed your goal! Everyone is doing well, good luck to you all in this last week and remember that any pounds lost is better that no pounds lost! Happy Monday!
I've lost a total of 6.1 more pounds these past few weeks!! Almost to my 10lbs goal! Yeah! :stitch:
I was down 1.8 yesterday! I am excited to finally see a loss after maintaining for two and a half weeks. I am still trying to exercise a bit every day, so even if I don't make the goal, I know I am getting healthier!
Finally I have a weight loss to report! :rolleyes: I have lost 3lbs this week. That puts me at 3/5.
I'm down one more this week. That puts me at 6/5!
I weighed in at the gym this morning and lost 2 more pounds. My total now is 5/5 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

My trainer can see a big diff in my weight loss. I have lost a total of 12 pounds now. :cloud9:

Everyone is doing such a great job. Keep up the good work. :cheer2:
I lost another 2.5 pounds--that puts me at 8.5/5! Everyone is doing a great job--keep it up! WISH-ers ROCK! :banana:
Yeah! I'm seeing progress! I'm now down 3.5 pounds overall so that's 3.5/8. After maintaining for so long it's something!!!
Onward and Downward!


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