Looking for suggestions for inexpensive rental car for age 23 stepdaughter


DIS Veteran
Nov 29, 2000
My 23 year old stepdaughter is going to WDW and USF/IOA on her own in Feb. She'll need a rental car because cabs and other transportitioa for herself and her boyfriend would cost a fortune otherwise. She can't afford to pay a lot, and most car rental companies charge an extra fee for drivers under age 25. (I only wish I had that problem when I go!) We've tried a couple of Priceline bids-I've always done very well on car rentals through them, but so far none of her bids has been accepted. We'll keep trying that, of course, but I was wondering if anyone else has any suggestions as to how she can get a car, and still be able to afford to go on her trip? Thanks! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> :)


<font color=red size=4>Nancy</font>
We use Dollar. They always seem to have the best price for what we need. I can't remember $$ right now, but I believe my father is getting a compact for under 200.00 for 10 days. I don't have any info on the age of the driver tho. Good luck. Maybe this will serve as a bump to someone with more info. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">


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