Look Who's Coming to Disneyland - May 2001


Disneyland Parade High Kicker
May 3, 2000
<font size=5><font color=blue><marquee>May 2001</font></marquee>

<font size=4>
<font color=00ee00>eyeR.N.</font> <font color=blue> 1 - 3</font>

<font color=00ee00>luvdsny</font> <font color=blue> 1 - 7</font>

<font color=00ee00>scrappinmom_2000</font> <font color=blue> 3 & 4 </font>

<font color=00ee00>minniscarousel</font> <font color=blue> 3 - 5</font>

<font color=00ee00>mal</font> <font color=blue> 3 - 8 </font>

<font color=00ee00>sweetP</font> <font color=blue> 3 - 8</font>

<font color=00ee00>Greg K</font> <font color=blue> 4 - 6</font>

<font color=00ee00>caesr</font> <font color=blue> 4 - 8</font>

<font color=00ee00>JenniferWooster</font> <font color=blue> 5 - 7</font>

<font color=00ee00>Hockey9</font> <font color=blue> 5 - 12</font> <font color=ee00ee> San Diego too</font>

<font color=00ee00>janner</font> <font color=blue> 7 - 11</font>

<font color=00ee00>JennSaint</font> <font color=blue> 9 - 13</font>

<font color=00ee00>WebmasterMichelle</font> <font color=blue>11 - 13</font> <font color=ee00ee>Happy Birthday Michelle</font>

<font color=00ee00>Kapeppy</font> <font color=blue> 12 - 19</font>

<font color=00ee00>snoopylovertoo</font> <font color=blue> 15 - 17</font>

<font color=00ee00>dbond</font> <font color=blue> 19 - 23</font>

<font color=00ee00>LuvtheMouse</font> <font color=blue> 24 - 28</font>

<font color=00ee00>lynr</font> <font color=blue>24 - 28</font>

<font color=00ee00>mikifan</font> <font color=blue> 26 - 28</font>

<font color=00ee00>tammyh-oregon</font> <font color=blue> 26 - 28</font>

<font color=00ee00>Luv2roam</font> <font color=blue> 26 - June 2</font>

<font size=5><font color=00ee00><center> :bounce: DIS MEETS</font></center>

<font size=4>
<font color=blue> May 3 - <font color=orange>DCA Burrrbank Ice Cream 3:00 pm</font>
May 5 - <font color=orange>DCA Entrance California Letters 3:00 pm</font>
May 6 - <font color=orange>Disneyland Plaza Inn 3:00pm</font>
We leave in less than 20 hours!!! :D What am I doing on the boards??? :eek: I have things to do!!! :eek: Gotta get going....again. ;)

Hope to meet some DIS'ers at DCA and Disneyland. :)

My family will be at The Disneyland Hotel from May1st through the 7th.

There are a few meets planned for anyone who would like to meet and greet. :) ((check out my DIS Meet thread))

DH and I leave May 12th! Less than two weeks to go! I can't believe how time flies. I would love to meet anyone who will be in DL or DCA May 14th and 15th. We have three day passes but aren't sure when we will use our third day. I would really like to see Fantasmic but am worried about crowds on Friday, May 18th. Decisions, decisions!:confused: I promise to post a report as soon as I get back. :earsgirl:
I'm Almost There!!!

I'll be staying at the Grand Californiam May 4-8th!!

My first time too!!! Can't Wait!!!
Yahoo!!! Only 7 more days until we leave for our first Disneyland trip! Yipee!!!!!!1:pinkbounc :earsgirl:
Hello from Disneyland!!! :D

Today was our first meet, and it was great! My family and I got to meet Mal (Mallory) and her family, minicarousel (Julie) and her family, and scrappinmom_2000 (Emily) and her family. I am unable to remember the kid's names, but I'm pretty sure that Mal is married to Don, Julie is married to Roger and Emily is married to Paul. :) We had some ice cream at Bur-r-r Bank Ice Cream and chatted for a few minutes. We were all anxious to get back to the parks so we parted ways after about 30 or 40 mins. I wasn't able to chat with Julie or Emily as much as I had hoped to, but I'm sure there will be meets in the future that will allow for that. :D :)

Next meet is Saturday at 3:00pm in front of the CALIFORNIA letters ((not under them like previously stated :rolleyes: ...you should have seen my eyes when I walked up to the entrance to DCA and realized for the first time that the letters spelling out CALIFORNIA were on the ground!!!! and not overhead in an arch, like I had thought. LOL :confused: ;) ))

Looking forward to meeting more DIS'ers...would really like to see some local California DIS'ers if time allows...hint,hint,hint. ;) :) ;) :)

Leave in three weeks tomorrow! Yahoo!!!
Sat - Sun : Yucca Valley and quick Tijuana jaunt
Memorial Day : Wildlife Park
Tues, Wed, Th : DL/DCA
Fri : US
Saturday, return....... :(


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