Long 22 hr drive. Stop? or Drive straigt through?

I love your count down clock. Where did you get it?

I don't like driving straigt through, but I don't like stopping either. So we tend to drive straight through just to get it over.

I wish we lived closer! If we were only 10 hours or less away, we would go more often. But 19 hours is just too much for us to do more than once or twice a year.
We drive from Illinois every year and my advice for you is to definitely stop! Everybody needs a break! We stay at a really nice Hampton Inn in Dalton, GA. right off of I-75, It's about 1/2 way and it breaks up our drive. They have a couple restaurants and shops in the area, and even the hotel has an outdoor pool. We always enjoy stopping there, in the morning we're refreshed, we get down to Disney and we have some energy!

We live outside of Indianapolis and we drive straight through. We usually leave around 11pm (after E.R.) on Thursday night. by the time we leave IN, our kids DS10 DD5 are alseep. my DH does all of the driving. I stay awake to keep him company. We can make it past Atlanta by 7 am. we don't need a whole day to recover, well DH might. However, on the way home, after a week of fun and excitement, we simply cannot make it all the way home. We usually try to get to Dalton, GA to spend the night. Coming home is not as exciting as going. by the way, DS's name is Dalton, so he loves that town!
Just thought of something else! During the second half of the trip, when the kids are awake, we stop frequently for about 15 minutes. Just enough time for bathroom breaks, drinks & snacks, and streaching our legs. We do this instead of driving for a long time then stopping for an hour or so. It just seems to keep everyone relaxed and happy. The hardest part of the trip seems to be between Ocala and Orlando. We so excited to be close, but the only thing to see in the interstate and the same billboards!
Well, you already have plenty of answers but I'll throw in my 2 cents also:
We drove last June from north of Chicago. Left at 4:30am and stopped in Mammoth Cave, KY and toured a 1/2 hour cave deal and had a blast with DW and DD5. Ate at Wendys. That was enough of a distraction to split the day's drive in half. We stayed at a Ramada Inn Limited (DO NOT STAY AT THIS ONE, IT WAS HORRIBLE!) after getting there around 5:30pm. Trust me, stay somewhere else, the Comfort Inn Suites looked much better. Just tell the kids you're staying somewhere with an indoor pool and they'll look forward to the evening during the whole trip! The next day we had a nice breakfast and then left around 7:30am. Got to the Florida Welcome Center around 3pm and then stopped at the "Exit 82" (millions of signs advertising this) place to book a hotel for evening. We booked the Universal Radisson for just $57!!! We got there around 6:15pm and it was really ritzy! Slept well, had a huge buffet breakfast, checked out and got to the Caribbean Beach Resort around 8:45am to check in at WDW! We were well rested and went right to Magic Kingdom for the whole day!
We've done both but our longest drive was 18hrs. When we split it up we would leave at noon (DH would work half day and it didn't count as a vacation day) and drive approx. 8hrs then get up next day early and finish trip.

We prefer to drive straight thru leaving at 3am (the car would be totally packed we would get to bed early wake up put the kids in the car in their p.j.s) I'm an early to bed early to rise person so I would always drive the first 4-5hrs while everyone sleeps.

Only you know how good a car travelers your kids are and you do have a 2yr old which can be a rough age for car travel. Hope this helps and have a great time.
You can make it straight through. It's an 18 hour trip for us and we prefer that but only because my DH and I split the driving 50-50 with one of the benches in the van reserved for sleeping.
If there isn't an even balance of driving, by all means stop.

There's alot of good info on the other threads and you will have to make a pros and cons list and then decide. If any of the drivers are not used to driving at night or when somewhat fatigued, don't attempt it.
A good nights' sleep with a half day ahead of you is better than an accident.
The hills in Tennessee can be treacherous depending on the time of year you go. Summer rains are another "curse"; this summer the rains through Georgia slowed us down to 50 mph on the interstate because you just couldn't see in front of you.
:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
We just drove straight through on our trip. We left at 7pm Friday evening. We had bought on of those VCR's in a bag and it was great! The kids all fell asleep during the second movie around 10pm.

They slept all night and woke up around 6am. We stopped then at a McDonald's with an indoor playground and let them run.

My dh and I traded off driving. Each taking about 5 hours. It didn't seem to take anytime to get there and we even went into MK the same day.
Just thought I would add my 2 cents, not that enough of us haven't, but her goes!

We drove straight thru from Fort Hood/Killeen, Texas last year about a 19/20 hour drive. We left at about 11pm and arrived at Disney World at about 7pm, but the time we arrived the children were pinging off the car doors and we, the adults, were exhausted. We told the kids we would swim and get a goodnights sleeps. I had paid for everything in advance and had checked with WDW before we left, explaining that we would be arriving at about 7/8 at night. We needed adjoining/smoking rooms, my mother who was with us smokes and we both agreed that she would smoke in one room, but not when the children were there, but I had to book smoking rooms. I was told they were guaranteed. I explained that my reservation confirmation sheet didn't say this, they told me it didn't matter, as long as it was in there computer. I CALLED 3 TIMES, about this issue. When we arrived we where placed in NON-Adjoining, non-smoking rooms. I was hot. The castmembers solution to this was for my mother to smoke on the balcony. We were at All Star Music, another words they wanted her to smoke on a common walk way, well, I'm sorry, smoking is not the best habit in the world and then you want us to inconvenience other guest by smoking right outside their doors :confused: This wasn't at all expectable, by 11pm we had been moved to another resort, with all proper accomodations. Now, I have learned that WDW doesn't guarantee anything, BUT that was not what I was told three seperate times, by three seperate Castmembers, BTW I had all of there names, a tip I learned on these boards, when I had questioned it. Needless to say NO Swimming occured that night and by the time we got settled, it was midnight, we had Ressies for Cinderallas Royal Table for 8:30am. We were all exhausted. By Wednesday of our trip, I was ready to leave. We never fully recovered from that straight thru trip.

SO my bottom line, This year, I'm staying overnight, twice before arriving at WDW, once at the better than half way point and once in Kissimee. I will arrive at WDW at about 11am, 4 hours before required check-in, just in case!

Disney was wonderful about the whole thing, but like I said, initially they wanted us to inconvenience other guest and then it was almost 3 hours for them to straighten it all out, an inconvenience to us.

For those of you who can do this, you go, guys and girls!

Before you all start, Yes, I have lived and learned, nothing in ressies is Guaranteed, number 1 and number 2 when the people on the boards say it, it is usually true! (That is why I kept calling because the boards kept saying nothing is guaranteed thru ressies and I kept being told otherwise by Castmember on the phone.)

Thanks and have a great day!


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