Loews card


Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2001
I received my number after calling as i had not received any information after signing up on line. Do I need to do anything before I get to the hotel to receive my benefits. Thank you
you should get a card mailed to you with your number. That's all I got. The only benefit for me was the room rate. I'm not sure what else it does. LOL!
I would call the hotel to make sure that your Loews First number has been added to the reservation. Then when you arrive at the hotel, explain that you haven't received the card yet. That worked fine for me the last time I was there. You should then be asked what amenity you want: a bottle of wine, cookies or fruit. Have a great trip!
Hi ,
Do they ask everyone with a Loew's reservation those questions at check in?
I was required to present my Loews First card at check in during my stay at the PBH last year. However, I suspect they have access to a Loews database which ought to be sufficient to secure your name and sign up date. They did not inquire about my amenity preference, so I made sure to make my request for cookies and milk at check in.(They were delicious)

Loews First gives you frequent flyer miles, free room upgrades when available, complentary access to resort work out facilities, a morning news paper, and an amenity as annieecho describes.

They also send mailings to entice you to one of their many resorts around the country. They all look quite spectacular.


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