Live From the DIS Chat Room. . .it's Saturday Night!!! Tonight: The San Angel Inn*


<font color=teal>Mrs. SonjaB, if you please, who i
Aug 24, 1999
Hola campers!!! Bienvenidos!!!

Como Esta? Feeling a little confused? Traumatized? Upset? Irregular? Well, we here at the Saturday Night Chat Institute Of Molecular Wine and Jacuzzi Studies completely understand. . .last night we lapsed into our normal NyQuil-induced coma, and this morning we woke up to a whole new DIS!!! Not only did we misplace a few posts during the confusion, but the moving guys dropped the hot tub and chipped a corner off it!!!!! :mad:

We spent the morning sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves and weeping like Jimmy Swaggart, but then we remembered a little motto we have here at the Institute: "All Employees Must Wash Their Hands After Using The Restroom." Needless to say, these inspiring words gave us the strength to go on; so after drying our hands, we decided the only mature way to deal with such a disconcerting change was to super glue the hot tub back together and throw another party!!!! . . .

That's right kids, this week's Disney After Dark will find us in Epcot, where we will be trying to regain our balance over mole poblano and Dos Equis beer at the San Angel Inn!!!

The San Angel Inn is a beautiful, serene restaurant nestled inside the Mexico Pavilion at the World Showcase amid a moonlit mercado. . . The tables overlook a Yucatan pyramid and active volcano-- we can throw discarded shrimp tails at guests floating by in the El Rio del Tiempo attraction boats, and because it's always nighttime at the San Angel Inn, positive ID is next to impossible!!!. . . ;) . . . :jester:

A full bar and overflowing buffet will be provided, and we will be charging everything to Infopop . . . :jester: - so put some Kahlua on ice, send your spouse and kids to the in-laws, and join your chat hosts Sonjarella and WillyJ. this Saturday night in the Main Chat Lobby at 9PM EST. It's a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to hang out with your fellow DIS'ers and get to know each other better in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. :) As always, general Disney or Universal questions are more than welcomed, and there will be a room full of Orlando veterans there to help you out. . .
Everyone's invited, so see ya there! :D

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