***Live From the DIS Chat Room. . .it's Saturday Night!! Disney After Dark Presents: "Teppanya


<font color=teal>Mrs. SonjaB, if you please, who i
Aug 24, 1999
Konnichiwa, campers! Well, after another week of sweating and swearing at the grindstone, it's Saturday Night! :D . Ah, Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. . . We're dreaming of tranquil zen gardens, enchanting festivals, and delectable cuisine, SO, this week's Disney After Dark will be hosting a special bansankai (dinner party) at Epcot's Teppanyaki Dining Rooms! :)

It seems our reputation precedes us at this most serene section of World Showcase, but we have pulled a double shift on the rowdy Recipes Board and raised enough cash for liability insurance, so our harmony is once again balanced and we are welcomed guests. . . ;) . . . :D . . . :D . . . :D

So pour the kids a little sake for dinner, get them to bed early, put on your finest kimono and obi, and join your chat host Sonjarella and special guest-host Mac-Key Mouse this Saturday night in the Main Chat Lobby at 9PM EST. It's tons of fun and a great opportunity to get to know your fellow DIS'ers in a relaxed atmosphere. :) As always, general Disney or Universal questions are more than welcomed, and there will be a room full of Orlando veterans there to help you out. :) . Everyone's invited, so see ya there! :)

Click here to get there! :) : Chat Sign-In Page


<font size=1>My heart is ever at your service...</font size>

<font size=2>Sonja
<font size=2>Co-Moderator--Community Board
<font size=2>Co-Host--Saturday Night Chat



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<font color=FF00CC>Co-Moderator Theme Parks, Attractions and Strategies


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