***Live From the DIS Chat Room. . .it's Saturday Night!! Disney After Dark Presents: " An Even


<font color=teal>Mrs. SonjaB, if you please, who i
Aug 24, 1999
Hey there fellow Dis'ers!. . . :D Tonight in chat we will be hanging out at one of Disney's best moderate resorts, the Port Orleans, for a party at the resorts party headquarters, The Scat Cat Lounge. We'll have Naw' Lin's inspired cyber-drinks , feast on a Cajun buffet, and dig into some beignets for dessert. :)

So lock your kids in their room, put on some cool jazz tunes, and join your chat hosts Sonjarella and WillyJ. this Saturday night in the Main Chat Lobby at 9PM EST. for fun and information. It's a great opportunity to get to know your fellow DIS'ers in a relaxed, fun atmosphere, and if you have any general Disney or Universal questions, there will be a room full of Orlando veterans there to answer them for you. :) . All are welcome. . .we'll be looking for ya! :)

Click here to join the fun!: Chat Sign-In Page

<IMG height="200" SRC="http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/8227/cinderella/cindy-prince02.gif">

<font size=1>My heart is ever at your service...</font size>

<font size=2>Sonja
<font size=2>Co-Moderator--Community Board
<font size=2>Co-Host--Saturday Night Chat



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