***Live From the DIS Chat Room. . .it's Saturday Night!! Disney After Dark Presents: "A St. Pa


<font color=teal>Mrs. SonjaB, if you please, who i
Aug 24, 1999

"Saint Patrick was a gentleman,
Who through strategy and stealth,
Drove all the snakes from Ireland,
Here’s a toasting to his health.
But not too many toastings
Lest you lose yourself and then
Forget the good Saint Patrick
And see all those snakes again."

Top 'o the morning to ye campers! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! :D . Today's the day we're all just a little bit Irish, and to celebrate in the appropriate manner, Disney After Dark will be hosting a super St. Patty's Day blowout at Epcot's Rose and Crown Pub!!!! :)

Aye, 'tis true our reputation precedes us at this wonderful drinkery in the UK section of Future World, but we have pawned the Debate Board and raised enough cash for a damage bond, so once again we are welcomed guests. . . ;) . . . :D . . . :D . . . :D

So pour the kids a pint of Guinness for dinner, get them to bed early, put on some green, and join your chat hosts Sonjarella and WillyJ. this Saturday night in the Main Chat Lobby at 9PM EST. It's tons of fun and a great opportunity to get to know your fellow DIS'ers in a relaxed atmosphere. :) As always, general Disney or Universal questions are more than welcomed, and there will be a room full of Orlando veterans there to help you out. :) . Everyone's invited, so see ya there! :)

Click here to get there! :) : Chat Sign-In Page


<font size=1>My heart is ever at your service...</font size>

<font size=2>Sonja
<font size=2>Co-Moderator--Community Board
<font size=2>Co-Host--Saturday Night Chat



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