Lion King Show in Toronto


DIS Veteran
Oct 25, 1999
We are planning to go to the Lion King Show in Toronto in the fall. Has anyone seen it? How was it? Where did you sit and how good were the seats? Lion King is my favourite Disney movie and we all loved the Festival of the Lion King, so we're pretty sure we will enjoy this show.:)
Hi Dave!
We'll be going too.....June 9th to be exact to celebrate my birthday. I posted the same question a few months ago (I received the tickets from DB for Christmas!) and boy was I surprised! Everyone that responded to my post said it is fantastic and so maybe there are others that can give us both more information.
We also saw the Festival Of The Lion King and if it at all resembles this we are in for a real treat.I also heard that really all seats are good although ours are down front in the "dress circle" they call it. $115.00 per ticket.....Yikes!!I'll let you know how we enjoyed it when I get back if you would like?:bounce: :p
Hi Dave and Sammi. I saw the LK in January on a class trip with my DS. It was wonderful!!!!!!!!!! We were sitting up at the very back, but we still had a perfect view. In fact, I think we probably saw some things better than those sitting down at the front. I've been trying to figure out how to afford tickets to take the family to see it, because I know that DH and DD would love it too. I'm positive that you'll really enjoy it.
My sister in law went to see it last week and was disappointed. She said it followed the movie word for word - I guess she wanted more of an adaptation to the movie. We saw the show at Disney and enjoyed it - I don't think the TO show is a priority to us.
My DS 12 (at the time) went to see The Lion King with his school. Not easily impressed, he said that this was really good . I'm guessing that that would be my WOW!


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