Limit on Disney Dollars


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
When you exchange for Disney Dollars at the Disney Store, what is the limit? We are saving all our change for next three months and are planning to take that money and exchange it for Disney Dollars, sort of inspire us (like I need anymore inspiration (heehee)). This would be helpful to know since our closest Disney Store is 2 hours away. Thanks!!
I have read that the limit is $100.

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<font color="blue">first family vacation--WDW--July 2001</font>
It is 100 dollars.



<font size="5"><font color="blue"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">GO HUSKIES!!!</marquee></font></font></font>
It is actually $100 PER PERSON per visit. I was able to buy $400 in one visit, the CM just "pretended" he was selling $100 to me, $100 to my friend, and $100 to each of my friend's children, even though I paid for them all (as they were mine). They did have to ring up four separate transactions of $100 each.
wow, I didn't even know there was a limit. (I've always "bought" $50 or under at a time)
Good to know.

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
My hubby & daughter just took off for the local mall. I told them to buy $20 Disney Dollars. We are going to WDW in October and I planned on buying DD for spending money and the months pass (7 to go - ugh!).

Where can I use DD? I thought I'd heard anywhere in WDW - even for meals at restaurants. Is this true?

Thanks! :)
Yes, you can use Disney Dollars anywhere on Disney property, even at the snack carts.
I paid for my room one year with DD. So, anything works.. :)

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CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

I purchased 300.00, in Disney money, just a few weeks ago. My daughter was with me, and got 23 or so. No one said a thing, and it was all rung up on one reciept.
I think it depends on the store. I buy them every month for our trip this year in November. Before Christmas, I was buying a lot for gifts from great-grandparents. I was told the store in mall in nearby town its limit was $200. I bought max, then went to store in my town to buy another $200, but was told they had no limit, so bought another $575.

I save all change, though, and exchange it monthly for DD's. I give each child (grown ones and grandchild) DD's at beginning of every month.

Boo's Nana
Thanks for all your help and advice. I'm so excited, is this normal? HEEHEE LOL

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