Life Stinks Season 4: The Surprise

Woohoo!!! same here another Mozart fan..... Enjoy your trip!!!!
One more little tidbit, if you want them to stay clean and dry before you board don't take them walking on Cocoabeach the morning of.

No, no time on the beach. They're getting enough of that down in Key West.

popcorn:: just tuning in !! Your last TR were excellent! Have a awesome trip

Oh boy! Another Mozart trip report! And this one with children!:eek:
I am a Mozart fan, but this one may top all the others!

Woohoo!!! same here another Mozart fan..... Enjoy your trip!!!!

Thanks everyone. I feel kind of special now. Of course, I have been recognized a few times before. Scary, huh?

We leave in 9 hours. 4 AM wakeup call. We'll be in Orlando around noon. I'm not gonna sleep at all tonight.
I have always wished someone would do this for my kids. Enjoy them!
Just briefly de-lurking to say:

"Yeay, another Mozart trip report! Loved them all, never made myself noticed, probably never will again either but am looking forward to every word of it!"

Okay, quickly back into lurkdom ... :cool2:
Hopefully you can get a chance to take (and post) a video of the kids reaction when they see the ship!!!! Have a wonderful cruise!!!
A Mozart TR...WITH KIDS :scared1::scared1:

Count me in...:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Good Luck Buddy!!!

& I bet he doesn't have a cat 3!!!

Ohh God... they left yesterday... think the valium has kicked in yet???

(Hey Joel.. did you cruise yet??? And Pictures???)
Okay, just pulled in to the casa del Mozart about an hour ago. Few things to share just to begin:

1) My brother in law, in the process of driving SC-Key West-Orlando-Key West-SC ended up driving 2,492 miles on their trip in 7 days.

2) My nephew is explosively outgoing, but is also just about the most understated guy in the world, except for when Stitch crawls onto the elevator behind him. Then he went so ballistic that I thought the elevator was going to break. More details on all of that to follow.

3) Kids clubs - the best thing about a Disney cruise. Hands down. Forget Palo's, Cove Cafe, Serenity Bay etc... The kids programs really make the cruise for an aunt and uncle who aren't quite used to being parents for a few days.

4) I'll never do another 3 day cruise again. Its way too freaking short.

5) Customs took forever this morning. It took us nearly an hour from the time we lined up to the time we got to the luggage area, and we still hadn't gone through customs yet. Don't know what the deal was.

Alright, I'm going to bed now. Been travelling in one form or another all day. Stories to follow.
count me in...:thumbsup2 This is going to be a fun!

BTW...I think you guys are super sweet for taking your niece & nephew.

Ooooh, I can't wait to read this report!! What an awesome aunt and uncle y'all are! I have been wanting to take my nieces and nephews with us to Disney or on a cruise for a while now, and I'm hoping to be able to do so in the next couple of years. I can't wait to read all about it!!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'sssssssssssss BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Ohhh that could be a while...

What I want to know... is has he decided on the vasectomy yet... :rolleyes:
Those kids must have really done Mozart in. He's still down for the count...... Mozart, your loyal followers are patiently (not) waiting for details :lmao:
BTW...I think you guys are super sweet for taking your niece & nephew.

Super sweet doesn't describe it. A little bit crazy on our part might be a better description.

Ooooh, I can't wait to read this report!! What an awesome aunt and uncle y'all are! I have been wanting to take my nieces and nephews with us to Disney or on a cruise for a while now, and I'm hoping to be able to do so in the next couple of years. I can't wait to read all about it!!

If I could do it over again, I'd probably wait until they were around 8 or 9. Just food for thought.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'sssssssssssss BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

What is this, Poltergeist?

Yeh but has he recovered????????:rotfl::lmao:

:surfweb:can't wait for the Stitch story

The Stitch story freaked me out. Let's just say that he was calm with everthing up until Stitch walked on that elevator. Then he just lost it suddenly.

What I want to know... is has he decided on the vasectomy yet... :rolleyes:

You know, on our way back we saw a billboard for a doctor advertising non-invasive vasectomies. In it he said that he had performed over 19,000 vasectomies in his life. I thought that was a little bit scary

Those kids must have really done Mozart in. He's still down for the count...... Mozart, your loyal followers are patiently (not) waiting for details :lmao:

I'm writing. Still catching up at work, and at night I'm catching up on my favorite TV shows. Had to watch 2 episodes of V last night to get caught up. It was torture. Give me a few days and I'll have an update for you.
4) I'll never do another 3 day cruise again. Its way too freaking short.

Ahhh yes....I believe I made the same proclamation, only to be swayed by a great price, and a last minute trip/cruise was the end result!

But, I agree --- it's way too freaking short!
I still cannot believe that we actually did it. I’m a night owl. Yet somehow my wife and I managed to be in bed by 8:00 Monday night. By 4:15 we were up and ready, in the car, and backing out of the driveway. Apparently, my wife, her family, and all our friends think I’m psycho anyway, so I might as well just add to their humor by leaving at such an early time. But the payback was mine. We missed all the traffic jams. Flew through Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, and Daytona and were in Lake Buena Vista by 12:15 in time for lunch.

I tried something new this time. With the success of Disney’s online booking system for the cruise line, I figured I would try the new one that came out for the resorts. So upon our arrival at All-Star Movies, I head straight for the special check in line they have reserved for people who checked in early. It works well. Too well. I walked up and said my name, the girl turned around, looked through a file, and handed me my room key and information packet. In the speediness of the check in, she forgot to give me a balloon and I didn’t realize it until later. Bummer.

By the way, my nephew is a huge fan of Toy Story, so we were very happy to have gotten a room in the Toy Story section of the resort. More on that later.

After checkin , lunch, and a brief picture taking tour of the resort, we retired to the pool bar. I got a Yuengling and my wife got a Corona. It was $15. Welcome back to Disney.

Let me give a little background. Last time we were at Disney was in November. At that time, I found a t-shirt (and I happen to be wearing it again now as I write this) that brought a smile to my face. It’s at the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney and says “Por favor mantangese alejadro de las puertas” with a picture of the monorail. For those that don’t recognize that, it’s a legendary part of the spiel from the monorails. As the doors are getting ready to shut, the announcer says “Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor mantangese alejadro de las puertes.”

I’m wearing this shirt on Tuesday, and as we’re sitting at the $15 bar, one of the other patrons looks over and says “Where did you get that shirt?” Practically yelled it he seemed so excited by it. After I told him and he walked away, presumably to find the shirt, my wife turns to me and says “You just love attention. You get so proud of yourself when somebody notices something like that.” “Yep, I’m a shallow man.”

Then, it’s just waiting time. The munchkins arrival time is set for 3:00 so we have a little bit of time to kill before they get there. Since we’ve been up since 3:30 this morning, that means its naptime. We’ve got the phone next to the bed waiting for the call that they’ve arrived. 3:00, 3:15, By 3:30, I’m up and around but still no sign. 4:00 comes and goes. I’m getting worried now. They’re coming all the way from Key West. Finally a few minutes after 4 I walk outside and just wander around to get my mind off of them. Then at 4:15 the phone rings, and I can see a blue Dodge truck pulling into the parking lot. The munchkins are here. But have they figured out where they are yet?

Nephew sees us and yells “There they are” and tries to pull away from Mom’s grasp. That’s not cool in a parking lot. Niece finally breaks free, runs up to me and says “WE’RE AT DISNEY WORLD” Okay, I guess they figured it out. Turns out that they never noticed a thing until they were in the parking lot of All Star Movies. Then, niece saw a sign with Mickey Mouse on it and the light went on. We were disappointed because we wanted to tell them. Oh well, there are a number of surprises in the next few days that should make up for this. And the first one is in just a few hours: The Rainforest Café.


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