Length of Stay tickets


Earning My Ears
Jan 11, 2001
Is it true that you have to buy a length of stay ticket when you stay on site? Our family is planning to go for 10 days in April and would prefer to buy a 7 day hopper plus, so that we can have "rest days" in between.
You do not have to by length of stay passes when staying on site. I would price everything out seperately and even check out annual passes since you are staying so long, see what the best deal is for you.

'81CR, Poly
The four of us had Unlimited Magic Passes. We LOVED them! They were great! It was so nice to know you could park hop, go where ever you wanted, etc.

The Unlimited Magic Pass(UMP) is the same thing as the old Length of Stay(LOS). It expires on the day that you check out and if you have taken a day "off" from the parks, etc - you have lost out on a day that you have paid for.
Except for park hopping convenience on VERY short trips, I ALWAYS recommend Park Hoppers over UMPs for cost effectiveness and the ability to "save" days.
But other people like the convenience of the UMP.
Different Strokes for Different Folks. :D
(I'm the moderator of the BUDGET Board - which do you think is more important to ME??? :D )

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
I've been pondering all this as we consider the upcoming DIS convention. (I've never stayed on-site so I need to learn all this stuff. :) )

It occurred to me that with the Unlimited Magic Pass you could go to one of the parks for dinner or for just a few attractions or even the fireworks. With a Hopper, you would hate to use a whole day for that.

Am I seeing that correctly?


...you are ARE seeing it correctly. But don't forget - you are paying MORE per day for that convenience!!! It is not like you are not paying a "per day" admission.

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
And as mentioned earlier, compare ALL these prices against Annual Pass prices...since this is such a huge part of the price of a visit, you may find it would enable you to return another time during the year if you can swing transportation and hotel...we did that last year and got more than our money's worth after our initial 8-day stay, we were able to return in March by driving ourselves and staying at the Grosvenor for a 5-day visit!! It will certainly inspire you to try anyway and it may only be $10 - $40/person more...plus you get some discounts as restaurants, resorts, etc..
If you plan on visiting the waterparks multiple times or DQ, you may find the UMP's are cheaper then purchasing Hopper tickets.

Clark Averill

DxL 95
DL 97
Off-Site 98-Courtyard/DD
DxL 00
Joined DVC - Sept 00
BWV - Feb 01
Hi all. My family and I have done a few different things with "admission media" and feel that what you choose is so important as it sets the tone for your stay. Are you there to see it all and be on the go from morning 'til night in the parks? Then hoppers are great as they allow you to pack your days and get your moneys worth. Only there for a short trip? Get a day ticket with bounceback options. But for a Disney resort vacation where you want to spend time relaxing in the waterparks and Pleasure Island and you don't want to feel rushed or pressed to do it all in a prescribed day, then invest in an UMP or AP. You still pay for the day, but to us knowing that the day is being ticked off a limited number you have bought forces the adult in you to be sensible and use it to the fullest, rather than just letting the kid in you take over and play. :D


Disneyland-as a child
Contemporary 1975
Offsite 1990
Offsite 1994
CBR 1996
Disney Institute 4/2000 Offsite 10/00
Can't wait to go back!!


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