Left over Parkhoppers....


Feb 1, 2002
Don't want a 7-day as I want to spend 2 days and maybe some time (1/2 day) at a waterpark. Know Disney sets it up that either you get at least a 4-day or you are out of luck. These options drive me crazy.

I have seen passes up on Ebay and can't figure out prices and thought all the one's that have expiry are Canadian.

Am arriving April 28th and thus with the Canadian I think it expires April 30, so can only use two days.

Anyone have a leftover they want to sell? Don't want to be posting something not allowed, but Ebay has plenty of passes up with expiry dates and I can't figure out fair price.

1-Day is $50, so I can't understand bids or $ amounts.

Clarification.... Looks like people are selling their leftover Canadian Passes (expire May 13). But I thought you need IDto use them, though I guess they do not check daily.
All Disney passes are NON-TRANSFERABLE. They cannot be sold to someone other than the original purchaser of the ticket. Also, you as a potential purchase of a used pass have no way of knowing for sure how many days, (if any) are left on the passes you are purchasing.
That is why I prefaced my request. However as stated there are auctions up for them on Ebay.

Also that is one of my complaints with Disney. They offer these wonderful Canadian deals that have all sorts limitations on them that most people do not realize until it is too late.

A 7-day parkhopper effectively bars anyone from going to other theme parks while in Orlando (most are there for a week). Also most people do not realize that regular Parkhoppers never expire, yet these do.

So if you ask my opinion I think if someone wants to sell it, I think they have the right considering the limitations attached that many may not truly appreciate.

I know when I bought mine year's ago I did not use all 7 days, but in essense did pay for it.


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