Leaving Tonight For Pbh Last Minute Tips Please!!


Earning My Ears
Apr 7, 2000
Hello Everyone,

We are leaving tonight for PBH for 6 nights. We booked the butler concierge. Do you have any last minute tips for us this is our first time staying at PBH. I have read many of the post on this board and learned a lot. So thanks to all the wonderful post ive read on these boards. I'm not a very good writer but I will post a trip report when I return. Thanking everyone in advance.

have a great time! Be sure to ride the hulk at night and at least once ride in the front rows of hulk and the dueling dragons.
My suggestion is to take FULL advantage of the butler concierge service.

When I was in a butler room, it took me a while to catch on that the butlers would do ANYTHING you asked. And they really like to outdo themselves in the service department. Remember, you've already paid for the service, so why not use it. You'll pay for extras, of course. For example, if you'd like the butler to get a six-pack of your favorite beer, you'll pay for the beer but not the service.
Have a wonderful trip!!
Some of our most memorable times were:

Sitting outside of the Thirsty Fish Bar. It was a warm night and we played backgammon, borrowed from the bartender.

Sitting in the hot tub, chatting with fellow hotel guests.

Going down the PBH slide lying down.

Getting take out from Mama Della's (it's a full service restaurant, I didn't think they'd do it) because we didn't feel like going out for dinner but really wanted an order of antipasta and some timarasu. We took that and one of "Sal's deli" pizza back to the room and enjoyed all with a bottle of wine.:bounce:

Looking forward to your trip report!


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