Leaving today for HRH !! Hooray!


Feb 13, 2001
Well, I can't believe that after waiting for two months or more, we finally leave this morn for orlando. We are only about three hours ( on a good turnpike day) away, so I am hoping to get hubby and kids out of here by 7 am. Set my alarm for 5 but I have been wide awake since 4 am.
This board has been so informative to read, it has saved us alot of money, time, and aggravation, as we now have a very good idea of what to expect once we get there. We will only be there for two days so fotl will be wonderful.
I even have my 10 yr old reading these boards on a daily basis. He is a rollercoaster addict, although he has only been on Kracken, he builds theme parks with coasters on the computer every day after school. ( roller coaster tycoon program),
Thanks to everyone who has posted, Barry and Robin, and the employees of the parks who offer info and tips.

Have fun! Remember to thank us by posting your own trip report.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Wow, BChamp!

Lucky you, leaving today and being only 3 hours away!

I'm sure you've already checked in and your 10yo has already checked out the best of the roller coasters by now so continue having a ball and post a trip report when you get back!!

God bless...


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>



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