Latin Quarter Discount Coupon

Thanks Autumn, I havent seen that site before, great coupon for Latin Quarter! Let us know when you get the info if it has any other coupons worth while. Is this a card or just a coupon? Thanks again :D

I've just printed mine and it says buy 1 entree get 1 at 1/2 price. No expiration date but the list says something about a coupon card. Cannot find any info on that but it seems a good offer.
Printed out the coupon along with a couple others. I think the couponn card is the same as the coupon you print but you can use it all the time so you don't have to print a coupon each time. This is only available for some of the restraunts.

I guess if you frequent one of these restraunts its a good deal.
Did anythiing happen when you clicked on "coupon card"? Nothing did when I tried. I printed off the coupon, but am wondering if you need some kind of card too. I bid on a Latin Quarter gift certificate at ($50) and won it! (for $20.50)
I just went to cityspree and got a $50 dollar gift certificate for $35. Not as good as deal as yours but still good. I sent an email to couponsalacarte about the Latin Quarter coupon and they said just print or you can request them to email it to you and they will also mail along the coupon card.

Only three weeks to go can't wait


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