Last Minute Resort Discounts


I'm a Maniac, so what???
Mar 16, 2001
Anyone have any ideas about last minute resort discounts? We will be going to CBR first week of May and I was wondering if there was any CBR discounts I should look into.

Also, does anyone know if once you make your ressie, is it too late to ask about discounts? Should I call back to CR and just ask the CM?

You can cancel up to 5 days in advance of you reservations. Id your driving down you might check in Ocala for discounts but your best bet is to book using one of the codes available for may. I called all the allotted rooms for my code were taken at CBR and the PO-FQ but one was available for the riverside so I booked it.

Best advice I can make is be bold ask questions and use the discount codes. It saved me lots. I am spending the same for this trip of 6 days 5 night as I did for my stay last year of 5/4 plus I covering airfare.

Good luck!


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