Last minute advice?


<font color="purple">A Feminist Princess...tiaras
Jul 1, 2000
We (5 adults, 2 tents) are heading out this Friday (driving from Austin) to check in to FW on Sun. Any last minute advice from anyone? We are going to try to check in around 1:00 to get our requested 1500 loop tent site. We have the afternoon free in the campground (after setting up and a grocery run) Anyone know prices on the canoes, or the water mice at the marina?

My DH & DS rented a water mouse during our trip in November and I found the receipt! For 1/2 hr the cost is $18.86 + $1.14 tax for a total of $20.00
On Jeff Spencer's web site the price for canoe rental says $6.00 per 1/2 hr and $10.00 per hr. These prices do not include tax and there is a 3 guests maximum per canoe.
Have a great trip! :)
We're leaving this Tuesday (3/6) from Austin driving to KSC to see the shuttle launch on Thursday, and then over to FW on Friday (3.7) through 3/16. Looks like the weather for next Mon - Tues (3/12 - 3/13) is to be steady rain. We're taking rain gear, but has anyone had any experience in steady rain at DW? The 10 day forecast shows at least 16 hours of rain those days.
Have a great trip down! We have ponchos and tarps and will hopefully be ready if the downpour hits and continues.



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