Large-sized Waist Packs?


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.
Jun 10, 2000
Does anyone know of a specific company/brand of waist pack that has a longer/larger belt? If you have one, and can tell me the manufacturer and name/model, or even the website if you bought it on-line, it would be greatly appreciated.


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Thank you!!

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I just thought I would add that my Sis is a size 23 and the fannie packs at WDW fit her. Did not know if you were interested in that, but I wanted to let you know. I love the one she picked out!

'81CR, Poly
If you still can't find one that fits, you may be able to extend the belt. stores like EMS usually sell a variety of extra straps and clips for backpacks. They can probably find something to add on to the existing one belt.
:) good luck!
Try Wal-Mart! I got one there for $6 or $7 for larger waists! It is the brand they usually carry...EastPack or something like that!
I am a size 23 and the adult with water bottle ones at Target fit me. I was pleasantly surprised.
Thanks again everyone!

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78,90,91,92 WDW
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We have a fanny pack that we bought at Target that fits me and DH (who is a VERY VERY big boy) just fine. But what we liked even better are the packs that are a cross between a fanny pack and back pack. The strap goes across your chest and pack rests in the middle of your back, plus it's a bit bigger than a fanny pack, but not as big as a backpack. We got ours at TDS last year with Tigger on it, but I haven't seen them in a while, but I'm sure sporting goods or department stores would carry a similar design. It so was nice to have when we were at WDW earlier this week, plus our camcorder even fits in it! Good luck!

'95 Lodge/Contemporary
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'00 AS Sports & Lodge
<font color=#990033>January 2001
AS Movies & Poly</font>

I am a little embarrassed that this keeps on bouncing to the top!! LOL!!

I am also hoping that if I keep on counting Points (via Weight Watchers) that eventually my old waist pack will fit again!!

But thanks for the input. I have come across several that will make it all the way around.

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The new fanny packs that say Disney in multi colors you buy at Downtown Disney or any Disney hotel will now fit a large size person. If you want more information I can email you with specifics.
I had to throw my .02 cents in here. I always wear a fanny bag during baseball season. (my son plays Little League) I've had people comment to me before that they recognized me from a distance because they saw my fannybag. Yea, right, When you weigh 350, it's not the fannybag they can see from across the baseball feilds! I bought my large sized bag at WalMart. I was able to do the happy dance this past season, as I've lost enough weight to actually buy a regular sized bag. It wasn't till I put on my old large sized fanny bag (and it hung down past my belly) that I was able to visulize how much weight I have actually lost. Sure felt good!!

If anyone else needs one, this is what I found:

REI Mini Skinny (ironically enough):

Fits waist/hips 23-50 inches!!

It also comes with a detachable shoulder strap, which is great because sometimes I get tired of having the thing around my waist.

Thanks for the input, encouragement and another product I can spend my money on in Downtown Disney!!

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