Large family vacation

California Mom

DIS Veteran
Feb 21, 2001
We are planning a large family vacation, including approximately 10 families, with 20 kids, ranging from ages 3-17 years. Some families have tighter budgets than others, so we are trying to come up with a fun vacation, at a reasonable cost. Included in this should be activities for the kids, to allow for some adult-only time! We are looking into the cost of the Disney Cruise, however, since we are all in CA, there's the added cost of airfare, but we are still considering it as I look further into the total cost. (As a Disney fan, I am hoping that this will be the choice of the group, but as the vacation planner, I still have to look at other options for comparison.)

Does anyone have any other fun family locations other than the Disney cruise for a large group?

(planning for 2002...month not yet determined. looking at best travel season)

One of the Youth Programs at WDW. Not only would they be alot of fun for the kids, give the adults some free time, but the discount is great. Here is a sample of what the cost is and includes.
5-Day Prem"EAR"package
One standard Disney Y.E.S. Program
Disney Y.E.S. T-shirt
5 day hopper pass
choice of 1 day water or Disneyquest
$133 per person. For more info call toll free to WD- YOUTH 877-939-6884
There are several threads concerning this program on the DIS Gathering of Friends Board. You might want to jump over there and check it out. A real savings for a group your size! Gerri


Thanks for the info. After reading these boards, and having visited WDW twice, I thought that I knew most of the basics. I was not aware of a kids program! This is one of the factors that we were looking into, was having some down time from the kids and being able to be kids ourselves at the happiest place on earth!

Thanks, again, I'll check into it!
its been a while, but we had our reunion at WDW. we got 3 treehouses all in a row at the disney Inst resort. I say do WDW. it give you the most options.

you could get a few big villas like the tree houses or the grnad villa at OKW (doesnt that sleep 12 or something). and split the cost evenly. or you can book some at one resort like OKW and the more budget concious at FT wilderness in some cabins.

the key to your success, whereever you go is to not try and do too much all in one huge group. My friend went with about 10 family members last fall and it was 24/7 the whole time and she said it was a nightmare. Do one big get together at someone villa the first night, take all your group pictures while everyone is fresh and happy to be together. Then maybe do most days in the same park but split up in whatever way you want to. make plans to trade off nights with the teens, they watch the kids one night and then they get a night out themselves. Then do one big dinner out the last night. call wdwdine and ask which place would be most accomodationg.
Reposting...does anyone else have any other suggestions, feedback or comments regarding a large family vacation either at Disneyworld, Disney Cruise or other NON-Disney locations?

THANKS a bunch!
There is a guy who posts on Disney boards who calls himself TheRustyScupper. He's a grandfather, and he and his wife took their kids and grandkids to WDW once. He posts on this board, but if you want to see his trip report for the trip I'm talking about, go to Click the Forums link, and then go to the Trip Report board. Perform a search on his user name, and you'll see a trip report called The Oddysey.

Since he posts here, you could probably send him a private message if you have any questions.
My parents' 50th wedding anniversary trip - 10 adults, 10 kids.

We have VERY different budgets, and different stomachs for all that is WDW, KWIM?? So, my father rented condos for everyone. This way we will meet up at the comp. breakfast, and at the pool, but still be able to take off on our own.

We have two family dinners planned, and we have all agreed to try to stay around the pool on Tuesday morning and Thursday morning, but otherwise we are not, necessarily, going to be together.

When my father first proposed this, Orlando was the only option. because with kids varying ages (15-2), varying budgets and vacation styles, and being coast-to-coast, it was the best choice out there.



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