kids trip reprt for


Aug 22, 2000
A while ago someone posted a web site where ther was a cute printout for a vacation report for kids to do. Does anyone remember what that site was. I have lost it in a computer change, and would like it for our recent trip. Thanks for the help.
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Both of the above sites had great ideas!The printouts were exactly the type of thing that I was looking for.
Thanks tmfranlk. That is exactly what I was looking for. You are a lifesaver. We took a trip a couple of weeks ago, and really wanted to have a souvenier for our boys, and something they could bring to school.
Thanks again, Val
These are really great!! We've got a car trip coming up next week so I printed out the car activity book, it will defnitely help keep the kids occupied. I also printed out the vacation memory book for the kids to take to school - this is better than the journal they usually do!

Thanks for the links!



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