Kids Swap - All pkgs sent & rec'd - Please unstick - thank-you!

I'm hoping Grant's SP got their package. I tracked the package and it said it was on the truck for delivery yesterday. :confused:
Just a word of thanks to you for making our kids Christmas just that much more special, you organized everything GREAT!
Can't wait till we do this same time next year!!
And thanks to Mal - Who I'm pretty sure had the original idea for the whole swap thing - Thanks again ladies for making this an even better Holiday!!!
mom42860 DD Sami, Annie received her package today and she was thrilled..she could hardly wait for me to cut the tape off the box and then when she saw that her gift was wrapped,, she got even more excited..She got a very nice note from sami and a spongebob tin filled with carmel corn,, which didn't last long, she ate it all by herself and wouldn't share :) She is going to use the tin as a purse as soon as I figure a way to put a strap on it..
She felt bad because she didn't send sami anything, I tried to explain that someone else had sent sami something and she had sent a gift to someone else.. she didn't care to much for that idea because she wants to keep sami as a secretpal because she was so sweet to send her that spongebob tin.. Thanks again Sami..
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
My daughter, Allison, received her package the other day and just loved everything in it. The only problem is we don't know who it is from, no return address. She would like to send a pm to thankyou personally. Please come forward! She was just thrilled to death to have a package that size come in the mail for her. She received a purse filled with sticky earrings and lipglosses(wore both that night for her christmas musical at school), an adorable stuffed snowman, a cute m&m dispenser with m&m's(the whole family had to try that out), and a super size micky mug ( which she designated she would have her tomato soup out of), and an adorable picture with no name. Thank you so much! My other daughter's (Shelley) package arrived today. She will be opening it after school. She has been overly anxious! This has been a great deal of fun! Thanks to Michelle for organizing this and thanks to all who participated. Let's do it again!
Ian just loved his package...he received a pokemon t-shirt, pokemon trading cards, a hugh bar of chocolates, a peppermint stick and Snowman soup, a sports lego(which he has already put together with his cousin's help) and a spongebob squarepants keychain.

This exchange was so much fun Thank you Belle for arranging it and thanks again to Denise and Grant for the GREAT package~

Mal:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by rafikimom
My daughter, Allison, received her package the other day and just loved everything in it. The only problem is we don't know who it is from, no return address. She would like to send a pm to thankyou personally. Please come forward! She was just thrilled to death to have a package that size come in the mail for her. She received a purse filled with sticky earrings and lipglosses(wore both that night for her christmas musical at school), an adorable stuffed snowman, a cute m&m dispenser with m&m's(the whole family had to try that out), and a super size micky mug ( which she designated she would have her tomato soup out of), and an adorable picture with no name. Thank you so much! My other daughter's (Shelley) package arrived today. She will be opening it after school. She has been overly anxious! This has been a great deal of fun! Thanks to Michelle for organizing this and thanks to all who participated. Let's do it again!

Sorry that adorable picture is Princess annie,, I guess I forgot to stick in the note she wrote allison,, I'm glad she liked everything annie picked out,, We couldn't find a darn thing she had on her wish list.. I don't know where that m&m dispenser came from ,, someone must of confiscated my box after I mailed it and stuck it in there;) ;) LoL laurie
Sorry for the delay in posting but Aaron did receive his package from Derek (ladyjayhawk's son). To say he was thrilled does not even begin to describe how excited he was.

He loves everything but is especially attached to the Scooby-Doo notebook, crayons and the 1st grade workbook! He did a couple of pages in the Pre-K one but insists on doing the 1st grade one. The Scooby notebook - he tells us a story and we have to write it down and then read it back to him. And Derek is a cutie! I can't remember exaclty what Aaron said but something along the lines of "This is the boy who sent me a present? That was nice of him". Thanks very much!!
Nancy and Elizabeth, Shelley was just thrilled when she got home from school on Friday to find her package waiting for her. She couldn't get it opened quick enough. She loved the cute lion king stocking, lion king ornament, sponge bob, and her candy cane pen. Everything went on the tree! even the pen and stocking. Everytime she helped me wrap presents, she had to get the candy cane pen off the tree to use. It was the official tag writer pen. Lion king is her favorite so everything was a big hit. She also got a kick out of the fact that Elizabeth is Sami's sister. Sorry it took a while to post. This is just crazy time at our house. Have a great holiday. And a big thanks to Elizabeth!
A special thank you. What a fabulous box of goodies. Allison was thrilled as I said in the earlier post. Annie did a great job pickking things out. Allison shows everyone that has come over her special gifts from her secret santa. We are sorry we didn't get to thank you personally to begin with. Have a merry christmas!
Thank you so much for Derek's gift! We were out of town over the weekend, so when we got home Sunday night, the package was waiting for him. He was so thrilled to have his own mail! (I had done a lot of my shopping online this year, so when those packages would arrive he would be so disappointed that he didn't have anything to open). He loved everything, in fact his exact words were "Awesome! It's just what I wanted!" The Spiderman ornament is adorable and Derek put it on the tree right away. He has been playing with everything else non-stop and the toys have even gone shopping with us during the past few days (Thank you!! That cut down on the "buy me something pleas" big time) Again, we really appreciate the great gifts and please tell your son how much Derek has enjoyed them. Have a happy holiday!!

Belle0101 - I am glad to hear that your son enjoyed his package. We really had a great time shopping for him. Have a happy holiday too!!
Just wanted to post that my DS, Ben received his package, he was thrilled with the Simpson's box! He rarely gets mail so he couldn't believe that it was his and was so great. Thank you to Aaron, (who signed his own card) and his Mom. :D
An apology before the thank you to Tantor and her DD Chloe. I have not been here to post due to Christmas and illness in our house. I apologize for not letting you know Elizabeth received her gift. It could not have been timed more perfectly, it arrived Christmas day (no one believed me when I said "answer the door it is the mailman"). We had just finished a round of gift opening with my extended family and Elizabeth, being 3, was standing a bit overwhelmed by it all. My DH took her aside when it came and they spent some quiet time in her room opening and then playing her new gift. Thank you so much, she loves those Princess stories and was so excited to have this special mail!
A special thanks and New Year's toast to Belle0101 for organizing this, it was really fun buying and sending and also for my children receiving something in the mail.


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