Kid swap info

I'm going to move this over to our Disney for Families board for you.

We did the swap on Test Track. When we got to the front of the line, DH went on the ride, I went to where they get off, handed the kid off to DH and went back to the line and rode it myself. They do allow you to take 2 people with you.
The CM's are usually very helpful regarding the swap. The rules for each ride are a little different; some rides have the whole party wait in line together, and then have an area to "swap" the little ones on the side (Space MT, Star Tours, etc.). Others, like Big Thunder Mt, make one person wait in line, and then once they've ridden, the other person can go in the back. Just ask the CM at the front of the line for that ride, and they'll help you out.

Enjoy your trip!
We also found that they make exceptions for swapping at some of the rides if your little one is sleeping. Our son was sound asleep in the stroller when we got to Buzz Lightyear and we asked about a baby swap. They said normally they don't swap there because little ones can ride but being that he was sleeping, to proceed over to the exit and they would help us which they did. That way, we didn't have to return later and we were able to enjoy the ride. The nice thing about a swap too is if you have an older child, they can ride twice. Once with you and once with the other person. Our older son thought that was great -- especially since the baby didn't get to go. It made him feel special.
We have used this many times. Just tell them as you are entering the ride. Thay are always very nice to you. It is available in all parks, at any of the rides the little ones cannot go on.


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