Keep yor fingers crossed for me(UPDATE)


HH Pin Crazy Pooh Fan
Mar 14, 2000
I just bid on my holy grail. Please keep you fingers crossed for me. I really want that pin. Thanks to the DIS member who clued me on this.
Lisa, Fingers and toes crossed!! Wish you the best of luck.
Good luck -- I hope you get it! When is the auction over?
I wish you all the best and a truckload of pixie dist on getting that pin. I'm glad I was able to help. Please let us know the results.

Larry (Swamp Fox)
I won my holy grail for $15.50! Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have wanted this pin for so long and now it is in my grasp. I can't believe it.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Congratulations Lisa!!! I know how wonderful it is to finally get your holy grail.

It's always great when you get one of those very special pins! :D


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