kathymc's birthday trip Day 5


<font color=indigo><font color=teal>Dances in the
Oct 4, 1999
Cast of Characters
Kathy (me the birthday girl) and DH Danny
MomK and DadK – my parents
DadMc – Danny’s dad
Lisa and Jaime – Danny’s Sister and Brother in Law and their kids, Meagan 10, Bryce 7 and Johnna 2

Monday December 17, 2001
Slept cruddy again, Danny restless and coughing, He woke up still feeling crappy but decided to get up and try to go. Off to Sea World – we have never been there (mom and dad have) We all got in for Danny being a Hero – pretty cool. They gave him a special pass and a nice letter. We also got 20% off food and shopping and a couple of game tokens. I think we went right over to the first Shamu show. Really cool.

The kids sat in the soak zone but kind of chickened out. Bryce got pretty wet but Meagan didn’t. Went to the kiddie area for a few then over to the Arctic thing. Danny really started to feel sick so he decided to go home. Mom and dad had split off from us and they had the keys so we had to go find them. I walked him to the car then was off to find the others. Ate lunch then I walked through the Artic show by myself. Polar Bears, Beluga Whales and Walrus. I’ve never seen one before, they are huge! This was really cool. You see them all up top then walk a little then see them from underwater.

Walked over for the beer place for a beer and saw the clydesdales – there was a baby! Then over to the seals – the kids fed them and a bird stole Meagans fish! Off to the dolphin show – really cute and the kids got wet ( and I got it on tape) Over to the dolphin petting area. We all fed them and touched them, I could have stayed here for hours. We also touched the stingrays.

Over to ride Kraken. I got on with Meagan and Jaime but then all of a sudden I started feeling really sick and I had to get off – what a chicken! Bryce was bummed that he was too short. Then we all went to Atlantis – what an awesome ride. Its half water ride and half roller coaster. Bryce and I sat up front the first time and got soaked! We went again and I sat up front with Meagan and got even wetter. They bought the picture with Bryce screaming and Meagan’s hands up and moms eyes closed! Too funny!

Did some shopping, got the kids t-shirts and Johnna a Shamu and I got danny a squeaky dolphin. Changed into dry clothes and we are off to the hotel. Really a fun day but really sad Danny missed it. Back to the room around 7:00. Danny is still sick and he slept all day. Said he will try to go to La Nouba.

Mom and Dad and Danny and I go to Tubbies to get something quick to eat. As we are waiting for the food Danny felt sick and went back to the room. We eat quickly and I go up to talk to him, he can’t go, but tells me to. I felt awful leaving him but we went. Got there a little late as the busses to downtown don’t run as frequetnly. They wouldn’t refund his ticket but gave me a credit to use for another ticket within a year – guess we’ll have to go back so Danny can do Sea World and see La Nouba.

Only missed a couple of minutes of the show. This show was amazing! So many things going on – guys spinning in these circle things, tightropes, girls with strings and spools, bikes, flying on red sheets, trapeze, balancing on chairs, clowns, singing, dancing, trampolines and climbing walls (that was my favorite) It was just simply amazing! Really good music and great set. We all really enjoyed it. Back to the hotel after the show and we walked to the Dolphin to see their tree.

I can’t believe how much we’ve done and that it is our last night. Really bummed that danny is so sick and I don‘t know what we will do tomorrow and how he will survive traveling home. It really has been an amazing week and I don’t know how anything can top this trip. Hopefully Danny will be feeling better tomorrow and we will be able to have some more fun before heading back to reality.

Or click here to read the report on our web site - with pictures
hope you get to come back and use your extra passes........thanks for the report
Sorry to hear about the ilness. It's tough to be in WDW when you aren't feeling well.

Off to read the rest!
Sorry to hear about Danny.

I know what you mean about the dolphins. I too could spend hours there.


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