Just wondering who is traveling w/kids and no spouse?


<a href="http://www.wdwinfo.com/dis-sponsor/index.
Mar 1, 2000
I know it's a little early for this question, but I was just wondering. DH will not be joining us at the convention, my brother may or may not be.

Just looking to see how many others may be there alone with their kids...maybe we can hook up and give each other a hand with the child-swap for riding the attractions that little ones can't ride?


~ Donna ~



My WDW Vacation July 2000
My Framed Pin Sets
No Way! That sounds like way too much work for me. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> ;) Good luck to you. :D

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
Hey Donna you know me and Stacey would be more than happy to help with the baby swap and stuff like that. There now you have some help.


Smile Mickey Loves Ya!!!
My DH will probably be there but not sure if he is going to participate in any activities. I'll do baby swap sometimes or I may need someone that wants to ride TOT multiple times. With all the families touring in groups of ages / interests for the kids might work well for everyone.


WDW Offsite ? - 1976
WDW Offsite Vistana - 1988
Disneyland - 1998
WDW Vistana / Contemporary - June 2000
Just couldn't wait trip - Feb 2001 OKW
DIS-CON 2001 - BWV
Hey, PP:

Unless I get a spouse between now and November :eek: Michael and I will be there, as usual.

Michael's tall enough for everything in Disney but we'll love to watch your kids if you want to ride!

Besides, Michael is willing to BUY a little sister or brother :rolleyes: ...


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

LOL Robin, we can all hook arms and take the Disney attractions by storm! I think my kids would love to meet Michael :)
Martin's favorite ride is TOT, not sure I'll get the nerve to try that one :eek: So I'll just send him on with you or Jay & Stacey if you don't mind. He did Space Mountain last time but was a bit unnerved by it, not sure if he'd do it again :rolleyes: As for Rock N Roller Coaster, I don't think anyone could talk me into that one, except maybe Barry the thrill ride king :D Ryan loves rides, and so far will go on anything his height will allow him to.
Waiting for November is going to be so hard!!!

~ Donna ~



My WDW Vacation July 2000
My Framed Pin Sets
coming without spouse and with kid. Now can I really swap him for another?

Mine is 16 and a real pain at times - who wants him?



LOL TiggersMom!!!!

I really, really want to go....but I'm already financially committed to 2 big vacations this year.

So I won't know until the summer if I will be able to make it or not. If I do...it will just be me and my 8yo DD.

<font size=4 color=red align=left face="Comic Sans MS">I'm not bad.......I'm just drawn that way.</font>
<font size=2 color=blue align=centre face="Comic Sans MS">- Jessica Rabbit</font>
Proud member of: <IMG align=center src="http://www.geocities.com/im_newhere/dps.jpg">
I have signed myself and my 3 yr old son up for the convention but I still have no clue as to how I am going to pay for this!!!! I am trying to come up with the deposit and boy is it difficult!!!! I am running out of time so I dont know if I will beat the deadline or not!! Does anyone know if I can not come up with the deposit now,can I sign up later if there is room??? I sure hope so..I CAN NOT MISS THIS!!!!!!!!

I'm coming with my 13 yr old sister...I don't dare call her a kid!
TIGGERSMOM, she might take a liking to your son! ;) :eek:

<font color=#FF0066 size=4 face="Comic Sans MS">Kim</font>

Visit my Webpage!
I'll be there with my 2 DS - my sister, her daughter, and HER daughter should be there, too

<img width="200" SRC="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/awilliams/dalcooks.jpg"[/img]

Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."

I'm coming with my 16 year old daughter, 12 year old son and 12 year old daughter. Whey!Anyway, my kids might consider helping a babysitting event at Disney Quest for a couple of hours one evening. Of course I'd have to clear it with them, BUT my 16 year old lives to babysit!! I'm sure being at WDW wouldn't be too different :) Gerri

I can always hold Zach so that Jay and Stacey can go on ride with your kids, Donna.. I knew you would like to see me put that remark here Jay.. :D

Mac-key Mouse QOBGOC

<font color=red>Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention </font>
AustinsMommy - you sound like me. I may also be without partner at that time - too hard to take of from work. We all have AP's, so now if I can just come up with the hotel and travel expenses, oh, and of course the registration - yikes. We are signing up for event only, as I may have to stay offsite to save money. This trip would be our 3rd in a calendar year, I can't get too worked up if we have to be off-site. DD will be 4 then by the way.


Hi Lisa~
We should figure out a way to share the room so we can both definitely go and stay on site!! I have not been able to come up with the deposit yet so unless something changes in the next day or so,I will not be able to go therefore I will be totally heartbroken!!!Please email me so we can discuss this!!



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