just two people, is mears, town car or cab the best bet?


Earning My Ears
Jan 31, 2001
For just two people (one adult, one child), is the Mears shuttle the cheapest way to go? Thanks so much---Judy
Until our last trip, we had always taken the Mears Shuttle. Our last trip in December, (just DH and I) we decided to try Tiffany Towncar. It would have been less expensive to take Mears, but after taking the Towncar, we will NEVER take Mears again. The fact that the driver meets you at the baggage claim area and takes your bags for you, a 1/2 hour grocery stop, and the time saved by not stopping at every other resort going and going, is well worth the extra cost of the Towncar.


I agree. If you're willing to spring for the higher cost, the town cars are the way to go. Much nicer and more relaxing than Mears.
Another vote for towncar sevrvice. Definately worth the xtra money!


<font color=#cc99cc>Summer 1982 - 1 day MK visit
April 2000 - 1 day MK visit
January 7-10, 2001 - All Star Movies
March 29 - April 1, 2001 - Port Orleans Riverside</font>
Even though it costs more, it's definitely worth it! You'll be at your resort within about 1/2 hour. That sure beats stopping at every resort along the way (unless you're just wanting to see all the different resorts!).

'75 offsite,76 offsite,
'88 Disneyland
'93 CBR, 94 Poly,95 ASM
'96 GF,'97 PO, '98 DxL
Summer '99 BC & WL
Winter '99 Contempo
Summer '00 BW/Poly
Winter '00 OKW
Summer '01 Disney Cruise & BWV
My family of three took Tiffany, while in the car I had mentioned wanted in to see want the GF looked like, so our driver dorve us through! Granted in was on the way (I think) to our resort (we were staying at the Contemporary) I still think it was awful nice of him. Plus if you are travelling alone with a child, it will be much easier to keep thack of them and your luggage w/ the towncar!
If I weren't travelling alone, I would definitely use Tiffany. By the time you have three people, Tiffany would be less expensive. But, since I'm by myself, I cannot justify spending the extra $50. I had no problems the last time I used Mears, and I don't mind getting to my hotel "the long way". As far as I'm concerned, my vacation starts when my plane leaves LaGuardia!!

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Mears will run you $25 per person, so $50 total. You will have to wait for an available seat (might be right away/might not) and stop at various hotels for drop offs.

Towncar service will run you $75 or so plus tip, so I would say $85-$95 total. The driver will meet you at the baggage claim and you will be wisked to your hotel immediately.

Cab will run you $45 or so each way plus tip, so $100 total.

Unless price is a MAJOR issue, I would vote for the towncar service as many others here have suggested. It is the only way to travel!

I was alone, s oI used mears....was pretty good, and on one night when only 2 of us were going the same way, they actually paid a cab t otake us to our hostel!! I thought that was pretty good.
thanks everyone for your thoughts. guess we'll try the towncar this time, who could resist? Judy


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