Just Got Back from Disneyland And...............


<font color=blue>OK, I must have really small ears
May 13, 2000
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!! I was a little nervous because I am such a WDW freak that I thought I'd be disappointed in DL. NO WAY! Pirates is way better, so is Splash Mountain. I love the Matterhorm and Alice in Wonderland and Pinnochio. And the Fantasmic dessert buffet (yes I got tickets) was WELL worth it! I was in line at 5:15am...but hey, I was first! What a great vacation. Just wanted to share!

1988 off site
1992 CB
1996 ALM
1998 CS
2000 GF June/July Honeymoon!!!
2001 Las Vegas - Caesar's
Disneyland - Disneyland Hotel
2001 Wilderness Lodge -one year anniversary!!!
2001 Pop Century!(Going for Christmas and New Year's Eve!!!!)
Was there a single showing of Fantasmic that night, or 2?

While we were there, they had two shows of Fantasmic nightly. One at 9pm and one at 10:30pm. They also had a parade at 8pm and fireworks at 9:30pm. But we were there over Spring Break. The schedule for the rest of this month only had Fantasmic on Friday and Saturday nights.

1988 off site
1992 CB
1996 ALM
1998 CS
2000 GF June/July Honeymoon!!!
2001 Las Vegas - Caesar's
Disneyland - Disneyland Hotel
2001 Wilderness Lodge -one year anniversary!!!
2001 Pop Century!(Going for Christmas and New Year's Eve!!!!)
scanne- so glad to here you had a great time! I would guess from your comments that the Fantasmic DB was well worth getting up that early in the morning! DL is my very favorite park - Love to hear stories from people who come for the first time!

:) BAS
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=navy>Scanne,

So glad that you had a good time at Disneyland. :)

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

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