Just called USF;FOTL still all day w/room key


Nov 23, 2000
Saw a couple of posts back the uproar over possible FOTL access for on-site guests, so I called USF.Very nice agent assured me that it is still all day every day with room key. I didn't think to ask her if there were plans to change that in the near future, but I did say that we were going next month.Hope that helps-I was concerned when i read the posts as well, the FOTL feature prompted me to make the HRH res, buy the Entertainment book, etc.p
Hmmm...Earl said that FOTL will change on Feb. 5. I will be up there during that day, so I will confirm.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly
known as Barry aka usagi

Moderator, Universal
and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd
be good looking."
We just got our Universal video today and from what it says it seems that FOTL will stay as being all day,e very day for resort guests, but ALSO multi-day ticket holders (even if they're not onsite) will be able to reserve ride times, sort of like Disney's Fastpass. I dont know this forsure, it's just the impression i got from the video.
I received my video last week, but I don't remember what it said about FOTL. Actually my son and I were just enjoying the images and memories. I'll have to watch it again and actually listen.
I keep reading on these posts that Earl says the FOTL policy is going away in Feb. yet I have talked to supervisors at Universal and they assure me this is not happening. Does Earl work at Universal and have information others are not aware of? If so I request Earl to please state where this information was obtained as it is causing a lot of confusion on these boards. If not it would help to not state information if there is not a reliable source behind it. There are a lot of confused people receiving a lot of information that at the moment is just heresay. I feel we can believe all of the advertising and employees of Universal that the FOTL policy will be all day, every day, unlimited.

Earl and CoasterFEV bosth work at Universal Orlando. Both have been vary accurate with information in the past and I'm sure they will be accurate regaurding upcomming FOTL changes. As Earl said in his original post, big changes are comming to FOTL that will make being an onsite guest or multi-day ticket holder better than ever before. That was all he could say at the time (I would imagine due to Universal's policies regaurding the release of company info). He said complete details will come soon and the system should go into effect in February. Since then everyone has taken it upon themselves to interpret what this new system may be. This is what is causing the confusion, not Earl's original statement.

"I feel we can believe all of the advertising and employees of Universal that the FOTL policy will be all day, every day, unlimited."

Don't!!! You would be better off believing Earl and CoasterFEV. I dont mean that in a bad way. Its just that they do know a lot more and everything Jim just said...I second. It seems that it takes a considerable amount of time for info to filter down to all employee's. As confusing as it all seems right now we have to remember it is a new system and soon it will be much more clear. Sounds to me like its a system that should work well and make everyone happy! :D

Coaster and Earl Thanks!! It now seems a lot clearer after seeing Coaster's explanation. It only seems fair that once the onsite guests get FOTL once per ride, per day, that others should have their turn. And if you get this privilege each day you arere it is great. Besides as Coaster mentioned if you combine this with a trip to the kiosk for your very favorite rides it is very special. You cant do anything like this at Disney. I think everyone should take note that Universal is trying their best to please their own on-site guests but also trying to help everyone else also. Thank you both for the explanations and to help all the crazy confusion that has been on these boards!!


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