just booked the WL


Earning My Ears
Feb 11, 2002
Hi, I just booked the WL woods view for 159 a night. Is that a good rate? Also, bringing 4 and 5 yo boys for first trip, is the lodge a good place for kids?
Yep, you got a good rate. I'm sure you'll love the resort, I sure do! It is also a wonderful place for kids, a very casual atmosphere.

Have fun!
You have chosen a wonderful resort to take two little boys ages 4 and a 5! The western theming is great for the little ones and don't forget to request a bunk bed room if you think they would enjoy sleeping in them!

We have stayed many times at the Wilderness Lodge. It is our favorite! Have a great time...and yes, you got a great rate! :)

Nicki :)
When are you going? I'm trying to get a rate like that for November. No dice.....at least not at the moment.


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