Just booked HRH!!!What can I expect??

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
I will be staying three nights the 2nd week in June. (I changed it from 2 nights in case any of you remember my other thread ;) )

How is the pool? How deep is it? What's the slide like?

I want to buy a 3 day pass.......does the FOTL stop the second you check out at 11:00? Maybe I'll just save the 3rd day then for another time if I can.

Any tidbits, tips or general info would be SO appreciated!!!:D
The pool is 4'6" at it's deepest point. The slide is great. The express line access is good ALL DAY from the day you check in through the day you check out. You can check out at 11:00 and still use your key until the parks close. You just can't use the key to charge anything to your room at that point.
Thanks Gschmerl. That's good to know about FOTL because we don't have a flight out of Orlando til that evening. I sure hope I can check my bags somewhere at the hotel and still go to the park all day!:)
The hotel will store your bags for you until you're ready to leave. Just check them at the bell captain's desk.


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