Just Back - Great Trip!


Earning My Ears
Jan 30, 2001
My wife and I just got back from the Orlando area. We spent Sunday (4th) through Thursday (8th) visiting the parks (IOA, USF, MK, EPCOT, AK, MGM). We went to IOA and USF last year, so we only spent one day there this year, but what a great day!

The lines were almost non-existent. We were able to ride Spidey twice, Hulk twice, Jurassic Park, Dueling Dragons (each side), and Poseidon's Fury in the first 2 hours. We then went over to USF and rode MIB twice. Came back to IOA for lunch at Mythos (fabulous) and made the circuit again (this time we included Dudley Do-Right, Popeye, and Cat In The Hat). We got our fill of IOA by 4:30 and spent the rest on the evening strolling through USF.

We could not believe how short the lines were. We expected to get to everything we wanted to ride at both parks, but not two or three times! Lunch at Mythos was better than we had hoped and the weather was great (77 degrees and sunny).

I just wanted to share a little. Let me know if anyone has any questions.
Sounds like a dream come true, glad you had a great time. Were there any characters out and about?


We saw Cap. America, Wolverine, Rogue, Spidey, Dr. Doom, Green Goblin, the Grinch, and Things 1 and 2. There may have been others, but these are the ones that jump to mind.


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