Just back from HRH and WL--FOTL ROCKS!!!


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
FOTL access ROCKS. DH & I have agreed that we will not do USF/IOA without it again. Kinda bad for USF/IOA though--our day trips with family when we visit FL are out--those are days we will NOT be spending at the parks (paying admission, paying to eat & drink, etc.). Now, we will limit our visits to only about once a year when we are staying onsite. During the off season it might not be too bad to do stand by or have a lmited number of express passes but during busier times of the year--NOW WAY would we go without having FOTL.
Hi Belle! How was HRH? Did you enjoy your stay there? How was the pool? Did you get a poolview? Did you like your room? How was the service? Did you eat at their restaurants, if so how was it? Sorry for all this questions, I am just so excited about this resort. I have a ressies I'm holding at HRH.

Did you do Disney first or Disney last? I'm debating whether to do Disney first or US/IOA first. Please tell me everything about your trip and expecially about HRH and FOTL. Thanks so much in advance!! I hope you had a wonderful trip!
From first hand experience, I would suggest you do Disney first. No fun being spoiled by FOTL at Universal and then having to wait in lines or wait for Fastpass times at Disney :( Enjoy your vacation.
1. USF/IOA did spoil me for WDW--a bit. Having been to WDW several times (yearly) it really didn't matter tooooo much to me but for first timers you probably want to do WDW first and then USF/IO.

2. We were upgraded to a king deluxe upon check in, not sure what the view was called. Our room looked out over a lot of lush greenery and some of the bay.

3. We ate in the room for a late night snack. Food was ok but very pricey (esp. when you add in all of those room service fees).

4. Full trip report coming soon--first installment will be called something along the lines of The Village Idiot (in honor of my DH)
Thanks Belle for answering my questions. Any infos help me a lot! I'll be waiting for your trip report! :)

Thanks Sleepy for your thoughts on which one to do first. I think it does makes sense to do Disney first then USF last. I sure don't want to be dissapointed on my last part of our stay.
I can't wait for August. I just barely came up with the money to book for HRH, and I can't wait for FOTL.:p
It seriously was the final nail in the deal of me booking there. As for as far as doing the order of Disney and Universal, I have a flex ticket, so I'm fitting Disney in between my Universal days, just so I can get some of that line waiting fitted in on my Theme park trip. :bounce: I can' wait for it to be Agust already! :)
We did Portofino Bay last January and won't do to USF/IOA now without doing FOTL. It was the best.

It was so relaxing not to have to get up to beat the crowds and we wandered around with no pressuer or game plan to do the parks. We loved it, so much we ended up buying AP's because now all our trips include USF/IOA.
Belle, Glad you had a great time. Could you describe the main pool area? Are there plenty unbrellas / or shade areas? Are there any "quiet" parts.? Thanks for any info. M
We walked around the pool but did not get in. It was very large, had a water slide and had one of those gradual inclines on one side--starts out as almost beach like and you jst keep walking and it gets deeper. They had lots of chairs, some umbrellas and cabanas that you could rent. The one hot tub was fairly secluded but crowded. The other hot tub was right next to the pool. They had these LARGE--like 2 - 3 ft tall--chess and checker pieces & large boards so you could play chess & checkers by the pool. There is also a bar next to the pool.
Hope you don't mind another question - you said the restaurants are pricey. Where did you eat while you were there? We usually like to stay in the nicest resort we can, then eat on a budget! Very few table-service meals. We are considering staying either at HRH or PBH after WDW this June, and I've heard restaurants are even more expensive at PBH. Were there any inexpensive places nearby? Also, how did you get the upgrade?? Thanks - I know your trip report is coming, but I'm getting excited about our trip and want some info!:p
I can't remember the name but it was one of the restaurants in the hotel. There aren't any snack bar/fast food type places to eat at the hotel. To do that you have to get your car and drive offsite or go back to the park for a hotdog or such.

Not sure how/why we got the upgrade. I just asked when we checked in if any upgrades were available and the clerk said no and then he said, wait a minute is it just you two and then gave us the upgrade.
I am also just back from a stay at HRH and fotl is unreal. nothing like it but it spoils you went to Disney after HRH for two days and hated the place I loved could not stand the lines. Will only go to HRH for fotl but what will we do if they change it (will no longer be able to attend )
We're just back as well. The strange thing I noticed was that there were never many people using the express. It certainly didn't seem to been that much of an upset to those waiting in the other lines that USF officials would feel that it needed to be cancelled. Maybe different at peak times though, since we only saw it after Easter. It certainly will keep us going back and staying onsite.


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