Just back from 12 nights camping at Ft. Wilderness

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
I'd be happy to answer any questions. We did all of "The World" and Sea World, Universal studios, and Islands of adventure. Have opinions and observations from husband and myself and 8 and 4 year old boys. Hope to hear from anyone....I'm hoping this will cure my post disney blues!!

P.S. We also drove 880 miles one way and rented from Golf Cart Enterprises.
You did everything that we are planning on doing this time!
We are going to Un, IOA and Seaworld. Plus MK of course.
I can't wait either!
You are going to have to post a trip report. I love reading about other peoples fun they have had! Plus it helps me decide on things I want to do or not.

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

Except I'm driving 800 miles along the coast from Louisiana to get there. I have tons of questions:
1- We haven't been to Universal since 92, besides IOA, has it changed alot?
2- I made my golf cart reservations with golf cart enterprises yesterday, did that work out ok for you?
3- Did you happen to notice loops 1900 and 2000, they are the pet loops, were they nice?
4- I haven't been to Seaworld since 92 either, has that changed
5- If you can think of anything that will help a family of six (2 parents, 2 sons, 2 girlfriends) please speak up.
It sounds like you had a lot of fun!!! Believe it or not we are from the Eastern Shore also (Salisbury). We are going to WDW in Oct/Nov for the 1st time and staying at FW. Any special sites we should hit? We will have 2 11yr old boys with us. Thanks for any info you can pass along! ;)
Hi, we were there early Jan, and stayed in loop 1800. The loops were nice. There is only 1 bath-house for the 4 loops, though. However, we were early birds every morning, so it wasn't crowded, but the bathhouse has (women's) 4 stalls and 4 showers.
Griff...I went to Universal about 12 years ago, it was okay, our kids thought the same this time. Kong was cool and Back to the future was as well, however I would have been royally mad to have waited any time for Twister or T3D. Men in Black would have been neat, but we got stuck on it for 20 minutes, even though they gave us some front of the line passes for our inconvience, it still left a bad taste in our mouths!! Plus from speaking to several others later in the day, it was a recurring event. We also ate at the Monster Cafe. All they had was old horror movies playing, we thought there would be some characters or something else as well. I guess we've become spoiled by Disney. The food was only o.k. However IOA was great!! The theming of the whole park is much better. Seuss would have been so proud!! My 8 year old and myself are big coaster fans, and we thought Hulk and Fire rocked. Ice was good. We actually had a horribly rainy day, but had lots of fun, an d would go back to IOA. Probably would only do Universal if we got a free day.

Golf Cart Enterprises was a great experience!! The cart was there right next to where we checked in. I did call Sean and talk to him about location for pick up and drop off, he was wonderful. Plus it's kind of a hidden smirk to yourself to see all those Disney carts being driven and know that those people are paying so much more that you!!

We did drive around all of the loops, and basically decided that ours (1400 site 1442) was our favorite. I think 1500 would be great too, if you don't want to pay a prefferred rate. I don't remember being impressed with 1900 or 2000, and reading that comment from another post about sharing the comfort station with 4 other loops...no way!! Our comfort station was busy from 7:30-9:30 and 4:30- 6:30 every day and we were there in the off season. I didn't have to wait for a shower, but I can see how that can happen really quickly. All the waiting you can do at the parks, I wouldn't want to wait for a hot shower.

[This message was edited by Camping Griswolds on 02-07-01 at 10:49 AM.]
TwnsnMD...We live between Powellville and Snow Hill, the metropolis of Whiton. It took us 17 hours of really relaxed driving between 60-65 for our travel. We actually left from Berlin at 12:30 where we picked our son up from school. We drove to Savannah, and could have gone longer, but I really felt sorry for my 4yo in the car seat. He just can't stretch or change positions like us. We stayed in a Wallmart parking lot and there were about 10 other campers there. We were like in the Old West in a big circle. It was then about 5 1/2 hours to Ft. Wilderness. Nice and relaxing. We didn't stop this trip, but I traveled to Florida as a kid and I remember stopping at Ft. Sumpter, and St. Augistine, and enjoying the history. We just wanted to get there (Disney) as quickly as we could. I would stop at each states rest areas and get info from them if you want to explore a little.
stralwck...can't remember the exact spelling, This is how I would rank all of the parks we went to..
I love animals and roller coasters, and the lovely Magic Kingdom. Have actually been to alot of the Carribean and Hawaii, and would still choose the Magic Kingdom first.

My husband is 33 and loves animals and more relaxing touring, he also rides the roller coasters, but mostly just for me and our 8 yo. He ranks the parks..

The 8 yo is into roller coasters big now, but still enjoys the animals and magic. This is his rating

The 4 yo actually cries when he can't go on the rollercoasters. We describe him as hard core. But he is still only 4. his choices...
So glad to hear that you had a great time. I am just a little envious as we were there for the first five days of your trip. We left 1/28 just as the weather was getting warmer. We also had a wonderful trip, but would have loved to have met you as we were in site 1436 with our 8 year old twin boys. I'm glad that you like that loop, I think it is our favorite also. Did your boys enjoy the campfire program? If it were possible I think that I would choose this time of year for a longer trip. We have only ever been at peak or holiday season. We kept walking around asking where all the people were. Again, glad you had a great time. Did you get AP,s and are you planning to return? We are returning in August to the same loop I hope.

Yes we just loved that site, and plan on getting that same one if possible. My only complaint is that the second movie lasted until 11:00 pm and the whole sing a long and movies was a little loud. Thank goodness my kids were exhausted. They usually are in bed by 9:00 pm at home, but were out almost every night by then while camping. They did love the whole singalong and movies when we visited. We went one of those nights that I think you were there, and frooze even with blankets. However all were determined to enjoy!!1

Sorry we didn't get to meet you and your boys!! My 8 yo would have loved the company. He did meet up with another 8 yo, and they rode bikes around and around the loop. It really seems very safe.

We are trying to go back in June from the 10-18th and then maybe in August the 21-27. We want to take advantage of our AP's. It will really make the next trips cheaper, as we'll only have to pay for gas and the site. Probably only get to one, so probably August is the better bet. When will you be there?? I have read that the crowds really drop off then due to the Southern schools going back early. Here in MD we won't start back until Sept 5. Also the parks are still open late like regular summer hours, but that is value season for the campground. Pretty cool. Anyway hope to see ya!!
Someone earlier posted that there was only one comfort station for 1600-1900 loops and that scared some people away from the Pet Loops. I just wanted to correct that. There are two comfort stations ....... 1700 and 1900 share one and 1600 and 1800 share one. They are never too crowded.
We are planning Aug 5-18 as AP's run out Aug 14, and then we'll spend a few days relaxing. Glad to see that value season starts Aug 5th. During the summer last year there was only one movie, I think because they had to start later, so it was over about 10ish. Isn't it great that the kids can find something to do while you relax a little at the camper or whatever. You are right, your next trip will be very inexpensive if you don't plan to do a lot of souveniers(sp?) or lots of meals out. Be sure you plan on lots to drink in the summer. We carried water bottles and bought those great bottle straps at the park. If you bring Gatorade bottles(the ones with the wide mouths),they refill well and you can get ice water at any counter service restraunt at the parks. It usually tastes a lot better than soda in the summer too. Can't wait to go back.

Thanks for the info about the water!! The only major expense we're planning on is to upgrade our stroller. We bought an umbroller for the 4 yo and it worked great!! He actually asked for it several days. One day we went to Mk and didn't take it because we were only going for a couple of hours. Boy did we regret that. Anyway, my husband is 6'3" and it was really uncomfortable for him to lean over to push the umbroller. Plus I saw so many with baskets. We took a backpack in every day, and left it on the stroller when ever we went into rides or shows, nothing was ever disturbed so I figure that it wouldn't be if we could load it all in the basket. We've seen a couple that are taller and have the basket for around 55.00 That is our only planned expense for the next trips. I'll even try consignment shops for a cheaper one.


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