Just back!! Experiences....


DIS Veteran
Sep 7, 2001
Hi All!!! I am not going to give the whole low-down on our trip, but a few tidbits that we experienced. Those involved are myself (from Raleigh), and best friends from Columbus - family of 5 (3 kiddies, aged 10, 3 and 9 mo, all girls) and Grandma. They flew in on Saturday the 2nd, and I drove down on Sunday.

Accomodations - I stayed at the $29 HoJo and it was great. Very clean, good location - right on 192 at the I-4 exit - and there are lots of places there to eat and all the usual grocery stores, pharmacies, and a SuperWalmart about 10 miles down the road. The room was a good size - a little bigger than an AllStar - with the sink separate from the terlit and tub and no blowdryer. :) The price was fantastic - I was a little sad to stay off-site, but after seeing my friends bill, all my sadness evaporated. They stayed at POR and it was also great. They had two rooms, connecting - very handy so Grandma could keep the kiddies. Also very clean.

The parks were a little busier than we expected, but still nothing bad as far as wait-times and crowds. We did need to fastpass the big stuff (ToT, R&R, TT), but walked on to most everything else. We saw lots of characters - even got into Cindy's without PS's!!!

The weather was nice -- kinda cool during the day - pants and t-shirts for us, and sweatshirts and sweaters were needed in the morning and evening. Thursday it rained all morning - we were at MK - happily wrapped in the ponchos that Grandma had brought. It was kinda tough with the little one and the stroller, but we had a poncho (clear) to cover it, and it would let up enough for us to feel relief. The 3year old and I rode the Magic Carpets without getting off during the heaviest part of the rain - I think it was a total of 8 times. She was LOVING the spitting camel. If you get the height of the carpet just right, it will get you! The parade that day was GREAT - lots of special attention from characters.

If anyone has any questions - feel free to ask.... we had a great week. We took it easy and still saw and did so much!
Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation!
I'm glad you had a great time.

We have been tempted to stay off site, but have yet to try it. I just love the Disney Magic too much.

Your room rate sounds real nice though!
It was a big decision for me to stay offsite - but the $$$ was just too huge an issue.

However, I would like to say, that if I were to go again, and had friends staying onsite, I'd really try to stay in their same resort, or at least close-by. Although I enjoyed going back to the quiet and solitude of my room, I couldn't quite shake the feeling that I was missing some fun. You know those late night runs to the pool or hot tub. Everyone gathering in a room to eat pizza and watch TV.

I think if I were going down in a big group, and needed suites, it would good to stay offsite because of the bigger variety of accomodations at a much more reasonable price.

Other than that - I am going to try and stick to onsite. Especially since my friends went DVC - it would hurt my feelings to go back to my little room, while they were taking one last walk around the Boardwalk.
Sounds like you had a great trip. We're going in 2 weeks. Were there any problems getting into the parks when they opened, as far as security issues? Also how long does it take to get from the TTC to inside MK? Did you try e-night?
I can understand your frustrations staying offsite but can also understand how financing can dictate. We are going down in June and will be staying at POR. We heard that Bob was no longer there. Can you confirm this?:confused:
SrPhelon -

We didn't have any trouble getting into any of the parks at opening - the security lines are longer for sure, but they move quickly. It's the second time I have been since the heightened security, and once we got used to what they expected of us, it's a piece of cake. You'll breeze through if you have all bags and packs out and all the zippers unzipped so they can take a peek.

To get from the TTC to MK is a breeze - they have the trams running all the time (don't forget where you parked, if you are driving!!!) - and the Monorails buzz right along. For a change of pace, you might try the riverboat that goes over. It is definitely longer, but usually less crowded and a nice trip.

There weren't any e-nights when I was there, but I have e-night'ed before and I HIGHLY recommend it. Riding Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Railroad at night is the best. I'd get the tickets when you arrive - I did experience a sell-out once.

Freeticket -

There aren't too many rides you can take a 10-month old on, but here are a few..... Pooh is a must (fast pass, fast pass, fast pass), Snow White was fine, Peter Pan, Country Bear Jamboree, People Mover (I can't remember the name from now!!!) - at Epcot - the ride in Mexico (River of Time), the Land's ride (can't remember that one either - but it's neat!!), ummm... the ride in the Ball (can you tell I worked 14 hours today???). It seems there was something we did in MGM, but I can't remember. Any ride that is on a little river, and dark, or the People Mover are excellent "nap" rides - they'll be OUT. Hope that helps....

Laura's Dad -

You'll have great fun staying at POR - I love Old Man's Island! The Swamps were looking great, and housekeeping was excellent. But - didn't see BOB!


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