July 4 fireworks


Earning My Ears
Aug 27, 2001
Would like to go around July 4, are the fireworks extra special? Where do you watch them from? How are the crowds this will be our first time there. Went to WDW over Xmas and thought it was crowded. We want to stay a few days @ HDH and then over to WDW. Who would have the better fireworks display? I would appreciate any advice. Thank you.
We were there the week of July 4 last year. It was crowded, but staying at the HRH gave us express access all day, so the crowds didn't really matter. Don't know what they have planned for this year, but last year the same fireworks display was set off simultaneously(sp?) in IOA, CityWalk, and Universal. We were surrounded by spectacular fireworks . Wherever we looked, there they were. It was great. We watched them from IOA in the back of Jurassic Park. They were FANTASTIC! WDW also has good fireworks. Why not go to Universal for July 4 since WDW has fireworks other nights also.
good point gschmerl, the fireworks were really good last year and WDW has them every night so indulge yourself and become universal in your outlook.:smooth:


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