January Discounts?


<font color=purple>BL II - Purple Team<br><font co
Mar 12, 2001
Does anyone out there know about any great rates for January 2002? My husband, 17 year old daughter and ger best friend are going down... wre can hardly wait!!!


We're going down in Feb. 2002. Right now we're just doing the waiting game. The "rate seasons" (value, regular, peak etc) along with the DC rates for 2002 won't come out until Sept. or Oct. of this year. AP discounts usually only come out a few months ahead also. So we've made our ressie & deposit through Dreams Unlimited, and now we'll just wait and watch the boards and see whether buying a DC membership or AP will make a big difference in savings for us. Be on the look out for Manager Specials, upsells, state specials etc. and keep your fingers crossed. ~ :) ~
We go this time of year because you can find great deals for this time period and walk onto rides with little or no wait. But right now you'll have to wait for the specials. You may want to make room ressies and change them as specials and rates are released this fall. Keep your eyes peeled daily on all the boards starting in August. :)

AS Sports 1/98'
AS Sports 1/99'
AS Sports 1/01'
AS Sports 1/02'
Will hubby ever let us stay anywhere else? :rolleyes:
It IS a fabulous time to be there with no lines, if the weather cooperates.

We got a terrific AP rate at the Poly concierge for that time. There were lots of AP rates too!


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