J & T's Wishes Wedding 5/5/12 SB/SBP/BW *Wedding & Aulani HM TR Complete!*

Awww sweetie... You looked absolutely gorgeous! And your ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful!!!!
More more more!!!
Great pics, the poor groomsmen look like they are the only ones without shade.

That is terrible about the bouquets. Did you get a refund for the flowers they didn't use?

Looking forward to more pics.
Tricia, I just found your PJ now and I wanted to say that while you had some annoying bumps in the beginning of your wedding day, you had a gorgeous ceremony! The parasols, your dress, the colors, it all worked so well. Looking forward to hearing more about your day.
I'm so glad Jennifer took so many pics! :goodvibes

:sad1: and :mad: about the flowers and your first look pics! Why can't people accept that maybe the couple wants some alone time? I didn't mind that our friends saw from a distance, but I didn't want our families there.

I know I said it before, but you looked so beautiful, twin!

Just got all caught up. Everything looks amazing. What a fabulous day you and Josh had.

Sorry the flowers were so screwed up. That's terrible!

Can't wait to read more!
Awww sweetie... You looked absolutely gorgeous! And your ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful!!!!
More more more!!!

Thank you again! :goodvibes

So sweet! :love:


Great pics, the poor groomsmen look like they are the only ones without shade.

That is terrible about the bouquets. Did you get a refund for the flowers they didn't use?

Looking forward to more pics.

haha, yes the poor groomsmen were the only ones without shade. I figured they wouldnt want to carry parasols.. lol Sorry boys!! Luckily our ceremony was only 15-20 minutes max, so in actuality, not 1 of our guests complained. They all did have fans and parasols though. haha But the boys didn't complain either. I think they knew we were all hot!

Yes actually!! If we hadn't pursued it, I don't think we would have, but my mom actually redeemed herself for all her antics by calling Vita while we were on our honeymoon, getting the manager or director of Disney Weddings and talking to them about everything that went wrong (more to come unfortunately... haha) and we did get 50% off the BM bouquets for them taking out those flowers completely. For me it was honestly not about the money, I really wish they had gotten the bouquets right that day. The flowers were so important to me. We literally got married in May because it was peony season. :sad2: I so want to look at the flowers and say how gorgeous they are, but I just get so irritated they weren't what I asked for. Hopefully that will go away sometime soon. I got an email from our photogs last night that our pictures are done being edited so we should be getting them soon. I do wonder if she took any pictures of the wrong bouquets. We'll see soon!! :rolleyes1

Tricia, I just found your PJ now and I wanted to say that while you had some annoying bumps in the beginning of your wedding day, you had a gorgeous ceremony! The parasols, your dress, the colors, it all worked so well. Looking forward to hearing more about your day.

Thank you so much! I had a slightly different vision originally, we weren't on the beach etc, and there wasnt much beach vibe. I'm so glad we went the direction we did and how it turned out. Realizing I think everything is gorgeous, I understand I might be biased hahaha but it was everything I had pictured and more! :cloud9:

I'm so glad Jennifer took so many pics! :goodvibes

:sad1: and :mad: about the flowers and your first look pics! Why can't people accept that maybe the couple wants some alone time? I didn't mind that our friends saw from a distance, but I didn't want our families there.

I know I said it before, but you looked so beautiful, twin!

Me too! Jennifer is so amazing!! There are so many more too! I am eternally grateful to her! :goodvibes YES! Exactly... notice my girls did not come down and watch. Maybe it's just boys and not understanding, but his parents? ugh. and I like his parents too! I just didn't want them there watching us take personal and intimate pictures. Oh well now! :rotfl:
Thank you twin!! You did too, I love looking at your pictures!! :goodvibes


Just got all caught up. Everything looks amazing. What a fabulous day you and Josh had.

Sorry the flowers were so screwed up. That's terrible!

Can't wait to read more!

Yay! :cheer2: Thank you!! Ugh yes, definitely want to be an advocate now to warn people to really be on their floral planner if they want something specific... and now for my PSA :happytv:
What a beautiful wedding ceremony. You looked gorgeous. Sorry you had issues with the flowers, but in the end, everything was beautiful.
Oh my goodness! Everything looks just perfect and beautiful! You were absolutely stunning! It seems like you had the perfect day!
Our plan after the ceremony was to go to the other side of the "Shipwreck" to take pictures for the 10 minute rule- us and our photographers only. DH and I were both so hot we just wanted to get some shade!! We did start heading there, but got stopped again by family (one of DHs cousins has a 6 mo old baby and they were on the benches in the shade) so she took our picture:

Our photographer was right behind us but told us we didn't need to go that far, so we stopped there and I lifted up my dress- from my knees down and let myself get some air in there, man was it hottttttttttt! :cool2:
I think we took some pictures there as Vita and her assistant for the day (didn't catch her name) scurried our guests off to cocktail hour. We wanted to take pictures with our parents first so we could send them to cocktail hour, then the bridal party and send them and then take more by ourselves. We obviously wanted to take pictures on the beach but there was absolutely no shade at all there, so I asked if we could just do them on the lawn instead, which worked! Unfortunately, my shoes sunk in (I didn't care about it at the time).

We took pictures with my parents, his parents, added siblings, etc etc. Then we try to take a picture with my family and my brother is nowhere to be found- he went to cocktail hour- my mom told him to. UGH! So, she had to call him back, she says "he's not going to be happy he has to come back" Hellooooooo he's here for MY wedding?! He is my brother and is supposed to stay for pictures, what are you thinking?!!?! :mad: Finally he and his GF come walking back, leisurely, with no urgency about it. We take pictures with my full family and all our siblings and then send our parents, Josh's gram and my brother off for cocktails. I don't have any of these pics yet but per our photographers we should be getting them soon so I will come back and add them! :)

Then we obviously took pictures with the bridal party, I have one of my girls and I that the BM took:

Don't my girls just look so gorgeous?! :goodvibes

I am very excited to see more of these!! When we were finished on the lawn, I asked J&M if we could take a few on the beach, the sun was starting to go down and it wasn't as hot (plus now we'd all been standing in the shade for about 30 minutes). So my girls grabbed their parasols and off we went to the beach! We kicked off our shoes and had some fun- I can't wait to see these pics too!! When we were done, we sent the BP off to cocktail hour and planned to have time for our own pictures. Unfortunately, Vita started telling Mary we needed to start walking to the reception already, ugh.. so apparently the ceremony not starting at 5, then waiting for my brother to come back for pictures etc really took some time. So foiled! We had ordered balloons to take pictures with since we had used balloons for our e-pics too, so they were there waiting for us. We took some pictures walking with them and then started walking toward the BW. Once we got over the bridge from SBP to Epcot, we let them go. I left my dress down this whole time for pictures which I also didn't think anything of but affected me later-- oopsy!

We walked by our cocktail hour obviously, and everyone cheered for us. Josh was loving it, it was so fun!! It was also really crazy Disney people were all on the stealth "escorting us" to the BW. We had one person walk us to SBP, then they handed us off to someone new, all talking to each other in their microphones like Secret Service. haha
For cocktail hour, we served the antipasto display and started our open bar. We had a signature drink, "Goonie" which was a chocolate martini, named after our chocolate lab! I also ordered pink and grey striped paper straws and had our Mad Libs put out. I've only seen less than 10 pictures total of cocktail hour, the ones Jennifer took from afar, the ones the photographers blogged and a few from my girls. I really want to see the food!

Here is the sign Jennifer snapped

One of my girls and her husband:

and a group of my girlfriends:

We walked up the stairs from the Boardwalk and back down to the convention center, once we walked into the CC the A/C felt amazingggg. While we were walking in, the last escort asked what we'd like to drink. When we walked in, they handed us our drinks and let us see everything. We had fastpasses made as our escort cards (directing people which table to sit at), and I had put them inside silver envelopes. The envelopes said the family name and then inside was a pass for each family member, along with the share site card.
Several of our guests have posted pics of their fastpasses:

Then they let us into the ballroom. As soon as one door opened and I got a peek inside, my jaw dropped. I didn't even look at Josh to see his reaction. I was stunned. It was drop dead gorgeous. The room was dark with light pink lighting everywhere, it was glowing. The tables looked great, the candlelight, the colors. It was soo romantic and perfect. I knew our guests would be just as wow-ed as I was!! I'm so looking forward to the professional pictures of the room! We also had a GOBO on the dance floor (included with the DJ package)

I laid my bouqet down on our table (I decided since I paid $325 for my bouquet I was going to get my money's worth and not spend more on an arrangement for our table)

Then we met our DJ. He played our song for us to make sure it was the right version. He asked us how to say our name and then Vita rushed us out of the room because our guests were coming in. We went into a smaller Marvin Gardens room to wait for the bridal party to meet us to be introduced. I needed to be bustled so I was waiting and waiting for my sister. Finally she came and had forgotten she needed to bustle me! :rolleyes1 Everyone is there and goes out in the hall to line up, and we're trying to get me bustled. Remember how I said I left my train down on the walk over? Yeah... so the ribbons (only a few, not all) to bustle me had frayed from scraping against the cement and boardwalk apparently, and I couldn't be bustled right. Vita was trying to help too and finally decided we were just going to pin it up. Vita got a safety pin and pinned it and we were good to go. The bustle wasn't completely right, it was still hanging a little bit, so I just had to be careful. It was time to get the party started!!! DH and I were so excited!!

Everybody was lined up and ready to go. Since I had 8 bridesmaids and he only had 4, I asked a few of my girls if their husbands would walk in with them, to which they agreed. I phonetically spelt everyone's names and specifically wrote down what I wanted him to announce them as, ie "Bridesmaid Stacey escorted by her husband Cameron", then of course the normal roles, Best Man, etc etc. When we came out to get in line, the DJ was out there again talking to our bridal party and making sure he had everyones names correct with my phonetic spellings. So now this is 3x he has been told.

He goes inside and the music starts. Josh picked "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins for the parents. His parents were first... It should have been "Groom's parents, Mr & Mrs Giles Foell (guy-ls foal)... he omits groom's parents and then calls them FOUL. Josh FLIPS his lid and starts swearing. Then it's my parents, Mr & Mrs Joseph Rokicki.... nope, Mr & Mrs Josh Rokicki... really?! Josh is so mad at this point... For the bridal party, I picked just the beat from Missy Elliot's pass that dutch- think the entrance of "Mean Girls" haha So as the bridesmaids start, he doesnt announce any of their roles, that the guys walking in with them are their husbands, etc. I thought Josh was going to lose his lid. He doesnt announce the best man is the best man, etc. Josh is seriously swearing and I'm trying to calm him down. Once we are the only ones left, I yell at Vita to SHUT THE DOORS! Clearly our guests are going to hear him... :rolleyes:
He flips to her and tells her the DJ got his parents last name wrong and he better get us right .. she uses her little walkie talkie who knows, now it's our turn. He starts playing black eyed peas "The Time- Dirty Bit" and I'm trying to just forget what happened, this is our wedding reception and we're about to be announced for the first time!! We can hear everyone cheering and getting excited. I grab Josh's hand, the doors fly open and he says "Mr. & Mrs. JASON Foell"..........................................................................................
The whole room GASPS. completely stops cheering and gasps. Josh sucked it up since all eyes were on us but at this point even I was pissed. We walk in and take our spot on the dance floor. I was really looking forward to our first dance so I took in that moment. I have no idea what Josh was thinking at that moment but I hope he was thinking about having just been married and not about the DJ royally messing up our introductions. We danced to the acoustic version of "She is Love" by Parachute. Josh chose the song and I was completely blown away when he did (I had never heard it before).

"I've been beaten down, I've been kicked around, but she takes it all for me. And I lost my faith, in my darkest days. But she makes me want to believe. They call her love, love, love, love love. They call her love, love, love, love love. She is love, and she is all I need.

Well I had my ways, they were all in vain, but she waited patiently (I heard a lot of our guests say "yeah she did" during this part- since we've been together so long and he was so stubborn about getting married already) It was all the same, all my pride and shame. And she put me on my feet. They call her love, love, love, love love. They call her love, love, love, love love. She is love, and she is all I need."

We definitely had a moment, I cried a bit, and I was ready to get this party going, so happy to be married to my best friend. :love:

We went and sat down at our table, and found our watches:


We were served our caesar salad. We had already discussed with the photographers we were going to have our salad then before dinner came we were going to sneak out and take pictures during "golden hour" down on the boardwalk. Once we got our salads and sat down, people started coming up to say hi, congrats, take our picture, etc etc. Then the DJ came over to try and apologize. Josh said to him, "Honestly, I don't want to look at you. Walk away." He said okay, I understand, and did. I have never seen or heard Josh speak to someone that way, so I knew he was livid. :scared: For the rest of the night, he and Vita would only come talk to me on my side of our table. They would not talk to Josh because they knew how mad he was. We ate our salads, gave the nod to the photographers and off we went! We grabbed my parasol and my bouquet and headed down to the Boardwalk :goodvibes
What a beautiful wedding ceremony. You looked gorgeous. Sorry you had issues with the flowers, but in the end, everything was beautiful.

Thank you! I agree, from a distance, none of our guests had any idea what was going on and everything looked picture perfect. I am so so grateful for that. I really don't want our guests thinking anything went wrong at all, don't want to ruin their "image" of it :)

Oh my goodness! Everything looks just perfect and beautiful! You were absolutely stunning! It seems like you had the perfect day!

Thanks Faith!! :goodvibes
I cannot believe how much that DJ screwed up! I would have died. I guess at that point you have to let it go as much as you can, which you did and enjoy your first dance. I'm sorry so many mistakes happened. It is clear even from the guest picks that the ballroom looked beautiful.
Oh, twin, I just want to go down to FL and throttle that DJ for you! I do so hope he offered some money back or something, for being such a dumb*** (might as well asterisk it myself, since I know the boards would anyways)

I'm so nervous about the rest of the evening! I hope everything went well!
Glad to hear your Mum chased up floral and their was some compecsation, however agree with you that it wasn't ablout money and they should have got it right to begin with.

Loving all the pics. Can't wait for next installment for the BW pics.

Ugh, that DJ.
I really suck at keeping up with the commenting, but I'm reading along!!!

I'm so glad you were able to use the pics to get started on your wedding day report! (Even though those "other photogs" sent your pics! ;) I had a lot of fun sneaking around taking pics of everything. My hubby was laughing at me the whole time! Then he would say "Oh make sure you get a pic of that!" :rotfl2: I have more pics than what I posted on the FB page, but I think they're similar to the ones I posted.

It still pisses me off that they messed up that bad. Even though everything was still amazing... REALLY?!?! It's not like the whole DFTW thing is cheap or something!!!!

Can't wait to read more!

BTW: I LOVE LOVE LOVE allllllllllllllll of your pics!! :love:
I cannot believe how much that DJ screwed up! I would have died. I guess at that point you have to let it go as much as you can, which you did and enjoy your first dance. I'm sorry so many mistakes happened. It is clear even from the guest picks that the ballroom looked beautiful.

Thank you!! I have our pro pictures, I'm going to add them now!! :goodvibes

Oh, twin, I just want to go down to FL and throttle that DJ for you! I do so hope he offered some money back or something, for being such a dumb*** (might as well asterisk it myself, since I know the boards would anyways)

I'm so nervous about the rest of the evening! I hope everything went well!

That night before we left Vita told me they were going to take $500 off the DJ and to let Josh know. Josh was so mad, he said (again) the money is not the problem here, it's that he just ruined this moment for us and we can't ever get that back. They ended up giving us a full refund.

Glad to hear your Mum chased up floral and their was some compecsation, however agree with you that it wasn't ablout money and they should have got it right to begin with.

Loving all the pics. Can't wait for next installment for the BW pics.

Ugh, that DJ.

Thanks for following along! As I said above, I got our pro pics, here we go! :woohoo:

I really suck at keeping up with the commenting, but I'm reading along!!!

I'm so glad you were able to use the pics to get started on your wedding day report! (Even though those "other photogs" sent your pics! ;) I had a lot of fun sneaking around taking pics of everything. My hubby was laughing at me the whole time! Then he would say "Oh make sure you get a pic of that!" :rotfl2: I have more pics than what I posted on the FB page, but I think they're similar to the ones I posted.

It still pisses me off that they messed up that bad. Even though everything was still amazing... REALLY?!?! It's not like the whole DFTW thing is cheap or something!!!!

Can't wait to read more!

BTW: I LOVE LOVE LOVE allllllllllllllll of your pics!! :love:

haha, no worries on not commenting! I'm glad you're following :) I'm so glad and grateful you did!! Josh would do the same thing, laugh at me and tell me I'm crazy. bahaha Yeah, it still frosts me too. grrrr

pic time!! :yay:
Soo I tried to go back in order and add pics, but I exceeded the amount I'm allowed sooo I can't. I did add some if you want to take a look! Otherwise, we'll continue here :)

Our first look:








and one of us on the couch right before Josh's family came in and bombed us (haha)

and then back in the villas lobby on the pink couch:


:goodvibes I LOVE how these came out! AND let me put it out there that after seeing our professional pictures, I am completely in love with my bouquet!!

Some ceremony details:
(I was so glad I upgraded our chairs, they really made it look so pretty I think)

(programs designed by our amazing Wendy!)

We also had oversized shells laid on top of the palms

before the ceremony started:



My dad and I walking out:



Once my girls and I got to the sand, we took our shoes off
I don't want to bore anybody with pictures, so here are just a few more from the ceremony :goodvibes









I did cry during our vows, and thankfully Rev. Jack had a hankie for me :flower3:



A totally unglamorous photo for you ladies... I told you it was HOT! lol

This next series was during our private time right after the ceremony and are some of my favorite shots!




During this time, our guests were heading to cocktail hour and we started taking family pictures!

with my parents:

plus Josh :)

his parents

his whole family


and both together :)

We also got some with our siblings

and our nieces and nephew :goodvibes

Probably a few weeks before J&M gave us a sheet to complete with what pictures we needed/expected, so that day they didnt ask us at all, they went to work on the ones we told them and I think totally impressed everyone with getting everything and moving on. They were so amazing! :dance3:
Then it was time for bridal party pics! :goodvibes

my gorgeous girls


Close-up of my sister/MOH's bouquet with calla's

the boys turn!


then we got everybody together

and headed for the beach!




The Bridesmaid bouquets up close

Miss flower girl!

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