Island Tower at Polynesian Villas & Bungalows

I think it would turn the project into the third straight lemon.
  • VDH taxes
  • CFW dues
  • PVB tower (if 1BR is 25% more than VGF) point charts would be the most extreme difference of any WDW resort. Unless this is club level.
I think Disney may have given current owners a good deal to book CFW at 7 months using points from other resorts. I know I'll be looking at 7 months. Not sure what the 7 month availability will be and they may only bring them on line gradually though.
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That could be true…and that was why I think that, while the announcement in December was what it was, DVd certainly made moves, or lack there of, that left doubt.

If I had been looking at PVB and wanted the tower, I’d have not been comfortable chancing it…until more moves supported it. When RoFR started. That was certainly a big sign…and given all they have taken at this point, I’d say it supports they need that price to now get higher so the $200 plus that DVD will start sales at wont be that much more than resale.
Possibility the ROFR increased so suddenly bc DVD is harvesting pts to throw them into the Trust idea, even if only a small % of Tower pts? And maybe they add to that by beginning to ROFR other DVC pts more often once Tower is selling, increasing attractiveness of Trust ?
I think Disney may have given current owners a good deal to book CFW at 7 months using points from other resorts. I know I'll be lookin a 7 months.
I agree, CFW for non-owners (who have points that are valid to use at CFW) is a good deal.

CFW for anyone owning means they pay very, very high dues. Only reason I see to own CFW is if you use the points to stay there almost every time. Compare CFW dues right now to PVB dues. (Using these two since CFW started sales earlier this year and PVB tower is expected to start sales later this year).
now something to consider ... [if you're squeamish, look away] .... is that things are not quite right. If the weeks are issued in any way other than amending PVB .... (I'm looking at you, resort use plan) ....than the next timeshare license number on deck is PR2641. They are issued sequentially. Obviously, another company could file an application and take that number, but just +1 for the next "next available" number.
Delving deeper into the mud (look away because you may end up refreshing pages often to see if tower shows up elsewhere).

Interesting part of the looking for the next timeshare license. When CFW Resort Use Plan license showed up under PR2635, it wasn't until 10/20/2023. 8 days prior to this, that license showed up under DVD LLC.

Here is the CFW PR2635 Additional Info showing 10/20/2023.

Here is the DVD LLC showing 10/12/2023 for the same license

Likely the difference was based on someone entering them on different date. Could have been the same person went on vacation or infinite number of other reasons.

This is why some sites indicated CFW license approval was 10/12/2023 and others use the 10/20/2023.

If Disney wants to add another future resort to restrictions (example, say Poly tower were not part of PVB), it's likely to show up under the DVC Management LLC license (which currently only shows Riviera, VDH, and CFW).
It means they’re changing something. Could be anything at all based on the information we have today. Might be changing to use 2 spaces after a period instead of one. More likely it’s the filing to sell the new tower.
If DVD was going to throw the TRUST curve ball at us, would that need to done before filing to sell Tower, as part of selling Tower, or could they add it after it's on sale???
It means they’re changing something. Could be anything at all based on the information we have today. Might be changing to use 2 spaces after a period instead of one. More likely it’s the filing to sell the new tower.
They can’t book the cash rooms without a lodging license. The timeshare project license covers the cash bookings prior to the timeshare declaration, as well as the DVC timeshare. Technically they could add it to the Poly Village hotel license, but why pay twice? That’s wasteful, just go straight to PR2341. Those calls start first week of June.
One bedroom pic. Not that my wife and I do a ton of cooking while on holiday, but we like having the option. Make a nice breakfast or an inexpensive pasta, garlic bread, etc. option for dinner. Not seeing a cook top or oven. Kinda goes against the time share DVC home vibe and one of the reasons we bought in to DVC.

But no worries. We can continue to stay at the other properties if that’s the case.
This is the hotel side one bedroom suite.

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