Is this a good deal for AKL?


Feb 12, 2002
I just called and got a quote of 948.00 for 4 nights at AKL with Savanna view. This breaks down to approximately 237 a night. We are currently booked at the Dolphin - but I have been stalking the AKL because I have always wanted to stay there. Is this a good deal? Or should I stick with my teacher's rate at the Dolphin? TIA!

Going to Disney 7/30/02
I got AKL Savanna view for $164.00 a night this past Feb 5 & 6. It's a great resort!!!!!!! I would hold out for a rate under $200.00. Check with

Good Luck
I was lucky enough to be upgraded, without asking and paying a standard rate of $134 per nite in January. There are so many places to see the animals at this resort, if I stay there again I would just opt for the standard view and a lower rate. Of course it was nice to see the animals in the morning, but that was for a whole 5 minutes before we left for the parks and came back at night!
when are your dates? Check with We stayed in Jan with a savahanah view for 169.00. (189 with tax etc) If you are never going back to the world I would consider it, did that incl tax? That might not be to bad of a rate for peak if it incl tax. we also thought the pool rooms looked nice. You may get a savahanh view but not see many animals. A standard is not bad either there are PLENTY of places to see the animals BUT THERE ARE SOME TERRIBLE STANDARD ROOMS!! The have rooms on ground level on the way to the bus stop that gives you a view of a WALL. I ound not believe these were actual rooms! My mom thought they must be for the animal caretakers so we asked at the desk and yep they are standard view rooms. Ii think its apalling!
We received a postcard (the one good from 2/02 - 4/21/02).. We were quoted...

$232 / night (inc. tax) Savannah
$298 / " " Deluxe Savannah
$354 / " " Concierge
I think that's a good's including tax, right?

I don't think Disney will be offering the deep discounts this summer.

I had no idea those were guest rooms behind that wall by the bus stop. I thought it was just storage or something. YUK!
I just booked today (2/15) for March 3 & 4 - Savanah view $233.10 (includes tax) I had called last week for the same 2 nights and was quoted a price of $722 (around there) for the same nights. Shhhhh. Don't tell my DH or DS. It's a surpirse!!!!
With standard view rooms at Disney resorts, your view could be ANYTHING. Standard view rooms are good for folks that just want the experience of being at the resort, not caring at all about the view.

Sorry to stray off the main topic of this thread...

By the way, I think you got a good rate!

BrianD :smooth:
Sorry but that is a NO view. You might as well have a room without a window. I would walk before I would stay in one of those rooms for 139.00. Disney should be ashamed to put any guest in those rooms.


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