Is there any hope for low-carb dieters?


Apr 28, 2001
Hi everyone... happy new year!

After coming back from the F&W festival, my dh and I went on a low-carb diet. It has not been easy (no diet is imo) but the results have been amazing. I have lost 27 lbs. in two months and dh has lost 15.

We are dvc members and are scheduled to go back in May. We want to continue to enjoy ourselves in wdw but we don't want to totally fall off the wagon when we go.

Has anyone else out there managed to have a good time in wdw while in the 'maintenance' phase of a low-carb diet? If so, how did you do it? We will not be expecting to lose weight while in the world, we just don't want to gain 10 pounds either.

Thanks for your help!
When I was doing the low carb thing, I found foods like the rottiserie chicken at Cosmic Rays yummy and also the chicken ceaser salad found in many restaurants. Don't forget about the turkey legs that are available in all the parks.
O'hana's has beef, pork, shrimp and turkey on skewers, all you can eat! They also have chicken wings and salad for appetizers. Just pass on the wontons and bread and you should be okay.

I think you would also be happy with any of the Character Buffet meals. You can chose several different kinds of meats/seafood and veggies. It would be vwery easy to avoid the carb loaded sides, I just don't know that I'd have the will power:bounce:
I, too, try to maintain a low-carb diet and have been very succesful with the weight loss. I have been on a low-carb diet for so long that most sweet foods no longer appeal to me. When I am on vacation, I allow myself an occasional treat. At Disney, it may be an ice cream in the park or fancy dessert one or two nights at dinner. I usually end up not eating all of it as after a few bits I am satisfied. I figure that the extra walking I am doing will help compensate for it.
What about asking for low carb desserts in the restaurants? They should have something that is good for diabetics.... As long as there is no white flour, etc. and made with Splenda should do for low carbers... I think everyone SHOULD ask at the restuarants. If people do ask, they will start making things even if they don't now.

First off I want to congratulate you on your success so far!! :) :) :)

I think you could probably just eat like you normally do when you eat out... salads, meat, avoiding sauces, breads, potatoes, sweets - don't let your mind get to you just because it's Disney, it's like any other dining out experience :)

And I agree, because you're doing so much walking, a special treat might be ok, but it might also bring on the cravings that are such a pain to get rid of! O'Hana's will be a good choice, just be sure to ask for none of the pineapple and caramel dessert ;) *Most* restaurants have some sort of sugar-free dessert that may or may not be on the menu; just ask! Some places even offer the seasonal berries with fresh whipped cream... it's a better choice than a huge slab of chocolate cake ;)

We did not find it too difficult to eat Low-carb while we were there in December. We would tell the server that we were not eating rice, potatos or pasta and they were happy to make a substitution.

Here is a nice link about eating low-carb in the parks:

Have fun!!

Thank you all so much. I am much more looking forward to my trip now. The link to the low carb strategies was very informative. If anyone else has any ideas please post, but I have a lot to go on now. Thanks again!
Thank you all so much. I am much more looking forward to my trip now. The link to the low carb strategies was very informative. If anyone else has any ideas please post, but I have a lot to go on now. Thanks again!
We try to do low carb too. One thing I have found is that restaurants everywhere are usually happy to substitute extra veggies for the starch portion of any meal. Just ask!! Also, Tusker house in Animal Kingdom has some excellent vegetarian choices. Don't avoid all carbs--grains have a lower glycemic index. Just avoid refined stuff and sugar.

Good luck and good eating!
Sure, there are plenty of selections for a low carb diet. Our favorite is the Cape May Cafe, and the all you can eat clams and mussels... that and a salad... you just have to pretend the dessert bar isn't over there beckoning to you.

Also, think of the wonderful steakhouses! Le Cellier, Yachtsman, Shulas, Concourse!

Tusker House at AK is one of the best counter services, as is Cosmic Ray's in MK for low carb items!

Anywhere that specializes in meat of seafood should do the trick. We have also had good luck at Narcoosees!
DH is/was on low carb during our trip in Dec. We found if you tell the server upfront that you have special diet needs they are more than accomodating. In all cases they were willing to make substitutions and a couple of times the server even asked if DH would like to speak to the chef! Good luck!
It sounds like you have many ideas already, but Spoodles might be a way to go also. By ordering tapas, you can pick and choose veggies and meat options and get a great variety.


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