Is Islands of Adventure a seperate park?

Feb 22, 2001
I Islands of Adventure a seperate park from Universal Studios. If so can u see Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure in the same day? Is there a seperate Ticket price as well? Is it worth visiting away from DW?

We are in our early twenties, 2 couples on vacation.
Yes, they are 2 separate parks. I think if you start early enough in the day you MIGHT be able to do both parks in one day...but I wouldn't recommend it. Plus, you can buy passes which are a much better deal if you get a 2-day, 2-park pass, or I've read on these boards that a 3-day, 2-park pass is an even better deal.

We always stay at Disney and shuttle back and forth to Universal and IOA. We love Universal and IOA so much that we are going to stay at Portofino for 3 nights this year just to spend more time there. You mentioned your ages: We're newly married and just turned 30 and we feel that Universal and IOA are very good parks for our age group. You guys would have lots of fun!


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