Is going over Halloween worth the extra money?


Magic Begins With Me
Sep 13, 1999
Hi everyone:
I'm trying to plan our next Disney trip, and my kids saw pictures of Main Street during the Mickey's Halloween Party, and thought it looked really cool, and now want to go during that time. The problem is, there are no Disney Club discounts at any of the moderates at that time, and by going a week later I would save $700, as I have to reserve two rooms. What do you think? Is it worth it? Thanks.
Teresa, the Halloween party is a fun experience but I don't know if I would say it warrants spending an extra $700 on your hotel. Guess it depends on how many times you have been to WDW and if Halloween is a big deal to your kids. The Halloween party is an extra ticket event, so that would add to your cost as well. However, we did enjoy the parade and the decorations on Main Street. Is there anyway you could plan the trip to be there for Halloween and attend Mickey's Halloween party that night yet still get the cheaper rate for the hotel the rest of your stay? If not, I would probably say, the $700 is worth saving by going the next week.
The Halloween party is very fun, but it's only for about 4 or 5 hours, and I don't think it warrents paying 700.00 extra for. Plus, if your kids really enjoy Halloween they'll probably miss things going on at home, you really don't realize the little things you do, until you spend a holiday away from home, even Halloween.
Hope this helps.


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